Chapter 1

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"Why do I even have to go? Fucking idiot, this is bullshit." Lauren said in an annoyed tone.

"Calm down with the language over there, Laurenza. C'mon, Ally said she baked stuff for this party and she wants us to go. It'll be fun!" Normani exclaimed looking up from her phone.

"My definition of fun or yours?" Lauren asked arching her eyebrow.

"You're such a lame ass, it'll be fun, I swear on my signed Beyoncé poster that it'll be great." Normani said in a serious tone.

"So, if it's not great and it sucks, I get to have that Beyoncé poster right?" Lauren smirked and Normani quickly shook her head.

"Uh, no. Never mind, I ain't swearing on anything but just come. Maybe you can find some girls to party with and get some. You know what I mean?" Normani winked.

"God, you're so lucky it's the weekend and you're my best friend. If you were anyone else, I would not be going to this party at all." Lauren sighed and Normani's lips turned into a smile...a smile that reached her eyes.

"You're coming?! You know how much I love you right?" Normani said sweetly and Lauren laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. C'mon, come help me pick out something to wear and then we can go." Lauren rolled her eyes and Normani almost shrieked- she was more than excited. This would be the first party they went to and their summer had just started for them.

They just finished their freshman year of college and Normani knew how stressed Lauren always was throughout the year and wanted her to loosen up a little. Lauren deserved it for getting through the semester. The two also lived on campus and were roommates.

Normani pushed Lauren to wear a dress but Lauren denied and went for some casual wear considering that it was a party- nothing formal or anything like that.

Normani and Lauren took Normani's car to go to the party and soon arrived. Lauren had to admit it, the place was huge and it seemed as if everyone there was having the time of their lives.

"Laur, you remember our policy for parties right?" Normani asked looking at her.

"Yes, Mani. Make sure I get back to our room safe and if one of us doesn't contact the other person back until tomorrow afternoon then we should panic."

"You forgot one thing, Laurenza." Normani said and stared into Lauren's eyes.

"What? No I didn't!" Lauren exclaimed.

"That one thing is to have fun!" Normani said and Lauren rolled her eyes then gave a small nod to her friend.

"You too, Mani. Stay safe!" Lauren exclaimed.


It's been 20 minutes inside the party and Lauren has not been having any fun at all. All that happened was sweaty guys trying to hit on Lauren causing her to move away from the dance floor to a part of the place where they were giving drinks.

Lauren had her third cup of the night and was already feeling drowsy from it. Either she was a lightweight or someone put something pretty strong in them.

Lauren took out her phone and in her drunken state, clumsily searches for the taxi contact (that she hasn't ever used but keeps in her phone just because) and hits call.

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