Chapter 14

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Lauren and Camila had made their way downstairs after the confession of feelings towards each other.

The two held hands on the way downstairs and was about to regroup with the girls but Camila received a text.

Camila stopped at the middle of the stairway and opened the text to see that it was from her manager.

Manager 🙃: Today's Saturday. Booked a flight for you tomorrow morning at around 7am. Need to get to NYC to rehearse for your TODAY show performance on Monday morning. I'll send a car to pick you up.

Camila groaned causing Lauren to peek over to see what the younger girl was groaning about.

"I fucking hate Roger, why can't he warn me a day or two before?" Camila huffed.

Lauren's eyes widened at Camila's profanity. Lauren let go of Camila's hand and wrapped her arm around her neck making Camila relax, a bit.

"I'll make sure to watch, babe." Lauren assured the smaller girl, squeezing her shoulder.

"No! This performance just pushes our date back." Camila sighed. Lauren furrowed her eyebrows and chuckled at the reason why Camila was mad.

"Wha--? Why are you laughing?" Camila asked, confused.

"It doesn't matter that our date will be pushed back. There's a million other dates that can make up for this one." Lauren said, her tone gentle.

"But it's going to be our first one. Isn't that like a milestone?" Camila questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, Camz. It's not like this first date is cancelled or anything. I promise that, that date offer will still be here when you return from NYC." Lauren said, cupping Camila's cheek, kissing the young girl to relieve her.

Camila pulled away and grinned from ear-to-ear, happy as ever.

"I like you," Camila commented while she pocketed her iPhone. "I'm so glad you took this risk with me."

Lauren bit her lip and looked down, blushing. "Camz? I think you should go and pack. It's getting late and you have an early and busy day tomorrow."

"I can stay for a little bit more." Camila winked, pulling Lauren closer after wrapping her hand on Lauren's waist.

Lauren hummed and leaned in, capturing Camila's lips in another kiss.

The two mouths moved in sync until they had to pull away for air.

"One more kiss? A goodbye kiss?" Camila asked, pouting, and jutting her chin out so Lauren would get the idea to kiss her.

"How does a 'see you later' kiss sound?" Lauren asked, putting her hand behind Camila's neck to crash their lips together.

Lauren pulled away then gave another quick small peck to Camila.

Camila grinned dreamily, eyes still closed, making Lauren chuckle.

"Let's go, dork." Lauren said, poking Camila's nose making Camila scrunch her nose up.

The two girls made their way downstairs and quickly decided to tackle the three girls on the couch.

But, first, they waited for a jump scare moment.

The two quickly tip-toed over to behind the couch, making sure to crouch down.

Lauren put her index finger up to her lips to tell Camila to hush, as she peeked over to see the girls focused on the TV.

Lauren held a finger up to Camila and started to count down once the creepy music rolled in.

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