Chapter 16

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Lauren's alarm went off, meaning it was time to get up. Of course, she was going to watch the performance. Lauren was definitely whipped for the brown-eyed girl.

Even though she avoided the girl after their conversation, she missed her deeply.

Lauren freshened up in the bathroom then turned on the TV.

Normani shuffled in her sleep and cracked her eyes open a tiny bit.

"What the fuck are you doing? It's summer and too early to be awake. Also, I literally got home from the concert at around 12am. I'm tired as fuck." Her roommate grumbled.

"And, don't complain about how you slept around 1am because you, my friend, did not go to a fucking concert- which was lit."

"It's Camila's TODAY show performance." Lauren explained quietly.

"Didn't you tell me you were mad at her, last night? Also," Normani paused to look at the clock beside her bed.

"Doesn't that show start in like an hour and a half?" Normani questioned, eyeing the green-eyed girl.

"I...I didn't want to be late to watch it. So, I set my alarm so there would be no way I could miss it." Lauren sheepishly said.

"Jesus, fuck. Even Dinah knows my tendencies to sleep in hella late. She never texts me until 10 or 11, the usual time I wake up." Normani said, rubbing her eyes.

"Don't judge me. Go back to sleep, you're in need of that beauty sleep." Lauren playfully teased.

"Fuck you, I still look hella good in the morning. But, if you're watching, please keep the volume down." Normani tiredly said.

"Okay, Mani." Lauren grinned. Normani nodded and yawned, turning back around to face the wall.

Lauren turned the volume down and enjoyed an episode of 'Kim Possible' that was on.

Lauren felt her phone buzz and saw a text from Camila.

Wait, scratch that- a bunch of texts from her. Lauren guessed she probably saw right through them when she turned her alarm off and locked her phone.

Lauren quickly checked her messages from Camila.

Camz 💕: it's about 4am and omg i perform in a couple hours. i hope you watch me on there

Camz 💕: im so sorry about yesterday

Camz 💕: dinah told me about how you felt. i guess, i just thought you wouldn't be that jealous

Camz 💕: Austin is literally trash compared to you ha haha

Camz 💕: but, im sorry for this too.

Camz 💕: my career is my life. roger has helped me be where i am today. im not going to agree to the publicity stunt until i talk to you and see what you have to say

Camz 💕: but, im going to flirt with austin today, you can be as mad as you want

Camz 💕: im sorry, Lauren

Laur 🐱: Like I said, do what you want. We're not together or anything. Do whatever the fuck you want

Camz 💕: ouch

Camz 💕: don't be like that :/

Laur 🐱: How the fuck am I not supposed to be like that? I'm sorry I'm not good enough for your manager or for you to just be with me. But instead, you have to do a publicity stunt.

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