Chapter 7

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(A/N: Chapter 6 posted weirdly so if you don't see it please tell me, thank you! If you didn't see chapter 6, then maybe back up real quick and see if it is before this chapter.)

Lauren had looked out of the car and only saw the many flashing lights that were going towards their way. She was sure that she was almost blinded by them even if the windows were tinted. 

"Are they always this wild?" Lauren questioned and Brad nodded.

"They're always this wild. But, they might just be a little more wild right now wondering who's in this car and I don't blame them. They're about to catch the sight of a real beauty." Brad complimented Lauren who gave him a small smile. 

"Okay, when can I get out of this car?" Lauren asked and Brad chuckled.

"You can get out right now, I was just waiting for you to open the door. The driver has to leave right when we get out because there's other cars waiting behind us." Brad said and Lauren quickly opened the door, rolling her eyes.

She got out first then Brad followed the green-eyed girl. 

The unfamiliar flashes and yelling in Lauren's face caught her by surprise and she accidentally yelped and almost tripped but caught herself. Whew, that'd be embarrassing. 

Brad looked over at Lauren and pointed down the red carpet. 

"Let's go, shall we?" Brad asked and Lauren nodded. 

The two walked down the red carpet and heard so much commotion, it was insane.

"Lauren! Lauren, over here!" Lauren and Brad heard over to the side and Lauren looked at the interviewer with a confused face. 

"Go over there," Brad pointed to the girl with the microphone in her hand. 

"She's calling me? What does she want?" Lauren asked and Brad laughed at how innocent Lauren was to the celebrity world. 

"She wants to interview you. It'll take maybe two or three minutes, go ahead. I'll go to other interviewers while you're at it." Brad said and Lauren nodded, slowly walking over to the girl, still confused. 

"Hi, Lauren! My name is Chelsea Briggs and I couldn't talk to Camila today but I'm glad I get to talk to you!" Chelsea said in an ecstatic tone and all Lauren could do was nod and smile. 

"Camila's here?" Lauren questioned and she nodded. 

"Sadly, she's already inside!" Chelsea frowned.

"So, I wanted to ask you, how you feel about Camila. I've heard many interviewers ask her how she felt about you but no one has had your commentary yet and I am dying to know." Chelsea said and lifted her microphone up towards Lauren. 

"Uh, I think that Camila is a phenomenal woman. She's such a confident, head-strong, beautiful person and I've been so lucky to get to know her." Lauren answered and Chelsea was grinning from ear-to-ear. 

"Ah! The feels right now! So, what's your favorite song by Camila?" Chelsea asked and Lauren stood there dumbfounded. 

She hadn't heard any of Camila's songs yet-  not because she didn't want to, it's because she didn't have the time to check it out yet. 

"I- I love that one song where she makes her voice go low and then which song I'm talking about?" Lauren said in a nervous tone and Chelsea awkwardly laughed. 

"I'm going to need more information than that to know what song you're talking about." Chelsea said and Lauren gave a forced laugh. 

"I guess I'll just say that I love all of her songs! They're really meaningful...and I connect with them on an emotional level." Lauren thoughtfully said and was impressed by what she had just came up with.

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