Chapter 29

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After Lauren had told Camila that they should break up, Camila spent the rest of the time silently crying into Lauren's shoulder while Lauren hugged her tightly.

A few minutes later after that, that's when Dinah interrupted the two.

"How are you lovebirds do- what the fuck is going on here?!" Dinah exclaimed, not wanting to jump to bad conclusions yet. Lauren stayed quiet and Camila was too busy sobbing and sniffling to answer.

Dinah softly yanked Camila away from Lauren then yanked Lauren harshly up by her shirt.

"Dinah, what the fuck?" Lauren exclaimed, then felt her back hit the wall while Dinah held her up against it.

"I believe I asked what was going on, Jauregui." Dinah glared at her, bunching up more of Lauren's shirt in her hand.

"We broke up, okay? Now let go of me." Lauren said trying to pry Dinah's hand off of her.

"What? No way. I thought you would make this work, Jauregui." Dinah said in a confused state.

"Well, this is how I'm working it out." Lauren stated, still trying to get Dinah's hand off of her.

"By breaking her heart? Real fucking nice!" Dinah exhaled a laugh.

"Dinah, stop." Camila softly called out in a raspy and tired tone.

"Are you serious? You're just... letting her off the hook like that?" Dinah asked in disbelief.

"It's over. We're over. Lauren, just- please leave." Camila cried out before hiccuping.


"Leave, Lauren!" Camila exclaimed in a hoarse voice. Dinah let go of Lauren and opened the door wide.

"Out." Dinah demanded, locking her eyes with Lauren.

"Wait, Camz-"

"Don't make me have people escort you out, Lauren." Dinah said in a threatening voice which scared Lauren. Lauren gulped and nodded, walking away and out the door.

Dinah quickly ran over to her best friend, engulfing her into a tight hug.

"I'm going to get you some water, okay?" Dinah said, her voice soft and gentle. Her tone completely opposite of what it was a few minutes ago.

"Okay," Camila replied in a whisper.

Dinah got up and left the room when Camila felt her phone vibrate. She saw the name and quickly looked at the message.

Laur 🐱: I wish I didn't have to do that but I had to. I'm sorry. I wish you the best when you're on tour. You're incredible, y'know? Don't ever change, sweets. I love you.

Camz 💕: i don't understand. make it work with me. it hurts. it hurts so bad

Laur 🐱: I can't see our relationship going anywhere right now. I'm so sorry. 

Camz 💕: did you know all along?

Laur 🐱: Know what?

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