Chapter 25

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Two weeks later, the two girls had been enjoying their time together. After the whole 'I love you' moment, they had definitely become closer.

Camila also had a new manager who was much better than Roger. Her new manager, Jane, was really caring and had a whole ton of connections knowing how big Camila was in the industry.

Jane had so many things set up for Camila- especially a whole bunch of fan events, and even maybe a cameo in a big movie. Camila was very excited with this new manager, she seemed like she was opening new doors for the girl.

Camila had a photoshoot that day that Jane had set up, and along came Dinah, Normani, Ally, and Lauren.

"Work it, honey!" Dinah, who had an arm around Normani's waist, yelled. Camila laughed and Lauren swear she fell in love some more with the brown-eyed girl.

"Yes boo! Make your fans cry! Make sure this is the photo that they get their panties wet to!"

"Dinah!" Normani exclaimed, slapping her arm. Dinah chuckled when she saw Camila turn red.

"Thank you for that motivation, Dinah." Jane chuckled, patting her on the back.

"C'mon, Camz! Smile so big for me!" Lauren yelled and Camila put a hand on her hip, grinning widely at the camera.

"Okay, Camila, we need some pout action now." Jane called out and Camila immediately crossed her arms, pouting at the camera.

"Act like Ally forgot to bring her baked goods that she promised when she went to your house!" Dinah yelled.

"Yeah! My baked goods!" Ally exclaimed causing Lauren to burst out in laughter.

Camila pouted even more and a flash went off, taking pictures of the girl.

"Okay, you're done, sweetie!" Jane yelled and put her finger up, swirling it, signaling the team to wrap up.

Camila ran over to the group of girls but attached herself to Lauren first. Lauren immediately engulfed Camila in a hug and kissed her temple.

"You did amazing, princess." Lauren muttered only for Camila to hear. That only made Camila clung harder onto Lauren. The two only had less than two weeks left together, they had to make the most of it.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure I was the one who got you to make those sexy ass poses. Where's my hug, puta?" Dinah asked, glaring at the cuban girl. Camila detached from Lauren and quickly rushed over to Dinah, tackling her with a hug. Normani quickly let go of Dinah as Camila clung onto Dinah.

"Thanks for-"

"For helping you make poses that will make your fans wet as fu--" Camila immediately put her hands over Dinah's mouth. Dinah chuckled and pulled away from Camila.

"Thanks for being here guys." Camila said to the four girls around her.

"Hey, no problem. It was actually my pleasure." Lauren winked.

"I brought cupcakes!" Ally exclaimed causing Normani's eyes to bulge out.

"Where?!" Normani asked, looking around.

"Right over in Mila's dressing room." Ally laughed and Normani grabbed Dinah's hand, dragging her over to the dressing room.

"I'm going to save you guys some before those two eat all of it up!" Ally exclaimed, quickly following the two that were directed towards Camila's dressing room.

"Camila, Lauren, can I have a word with you two real quick?" Jane asked and the two both looked at Jane, nodding slowly.

"Okay, so, I know you were informed that your rehearsal date starts in about two weeks but we might have to make it earlier." Jane said, slightly frowning. Camila's eyes widened and she frowned.

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