Chapter 9

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Camila sat in the car, parked by Lauren's house, recollecting her thoughts and what she was going to say.

"Okay, so you're going to go knock on that door and tell her you're sorry and then tell her some things and give her the flowers and food. You've got this, Camila." Camila told herself.

She took a deep breath and exhaled it before nodding her head and grabbing the flowers and the plastic bag filled with snacks.

She exited the car and all of the sudden felt like a teenager in high school ready to confess her feelings to the person they liked. God, it was so exciting even though she was just going to give an apology.

Camila approached the campus dorms and made her way up to Lauren's floor. She knocked on Lauren's door and told herself to not fuck it up. She went to knock but hesitated for a moment.

"Okay, you've got this. You practiced and you have this in the palm of your hands." Camila calmed herself.

Camila knocked on the door and her heart started to race. She wasn't this nervous before but now it's definitely hitting her hard.

The door opened revealing a sleepy looking green-eyed girl and Camila's heart started to beat rapidly at the sight of the girl.

"Camila. What are you doing here? I thought we agreed on some space." Lauren stated looking at the brown-eyed girl who was holding a plastic bag and some flowers which she found endearing but, Lauren couldn't help but wonder why she couldn't listen to her and give her some space.

Camila opened her mouth to talk and say what she had planned to say but then suddenly blanket out. She cleared her throat and sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to deeply apologize for assuming that stuff. You were right, I had absolutely no right to tell you how you reacted and nag you constantly about Brad. I should've asked if there was anything going on instead of just assuming. I'm sorry." Camila said, her nerves starting to rise waiting for Lauren's reply.

" were forgiven ever since I saw your face turn pale and you apologized last night. And why? Why were you so angry about seeing Brad and I there?" Lauren asked.

Camila smiled at Lauren saying she was already forgiven but then hesitated telling her why she was so mad. "I...I was- I was jealous." Camila sheepishly admitted.

"Don't be jealous, Camz. You know that if Brad asked me to that gala beforehand that I would've rejected him and went with you." Lauren said cupping Camila's cheeks making Camila's face instantly turn bright red.

"I...I brought you flowers and some snacks. Just to give to you." Camila shyly said and Lauren smiled at Camila's kind gesture. She also felt some butterflies form in her stomach.

"So, you thought you could apologize then come here with flowers and food and then everything would be fine?" Lauren asked and Camila instantly froze. She wasn't expecting that question to be asked to her.

"I-uh, yeah-" Camila saw Lauren's eyebrows furrow and she quickly changed her answer. "-uh, no, not at all."

Lauren smiled and took a step back from Camila.

"When I told you I needed some space from you, I wasn't...lying, Camz. I just need time to think. That's why I didn't answer your texts today." Lauren said with a slight frown on her lips.

"And for you to show up on my door and then hand me off flowers and food then making you leave is really...not something I would do. I can't take that, Camz. It's so kind of you to get that for me but I can't accept it." Lauren added in looking at the flowers and plastic bag.

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