Chapter 19

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Everyone was currently getting geared up for their second round. They had taken a break after the first one to snack a little.

The game was fun with Lauren glaring at Austin from time to time for shamelessly checking out Camila multiple times. Also with Camila glaring at Lucy for being touchy with Lauren.

But, the winners of the round had been Normani, Ally, and Dinah. They were currently, in a circle, hyping each other up.

"We just have to win again. But, this time, get Camila and Lauren alone somehow." Dinah whispered.

"Yeah, but fuckboy is in the way." Normani rolled her eyes.

"Eh, he's been giving Mila shit this whole time. I tried to say something but that bitch shot me down. I'm sure Lauren will follow up." Dinah said, looking over at a fighting Austin and Camila.

"Camila! We have to win this time! You can't be messing this up for us!" Austin barked while Camila huffed.

"I'm trying!" She exclaimed at the taller brown-haired boy.

"You're not trying hard enough!" He exclaimed.

Lauren had looked over at the two and frowned. Camila didn't seem to be enjoying this at all with that dumbass there.

"One minute," Lauren told Lucy and walked over to the pair. Dinah noticed and tapped the two other girls' shoulders, pointing over to them.

"What do you want, Jauregui?" Austin asked.

"If you're going to talk like that to Camila, then you should just leave." Lauren said pointing towards the door.

"Wait, you're talking to me?" Austin asked, shocked.

"Yes, you. Please, if you want to just act like that then leave. The door is right fucking there." Lauren deadpanned.

"Well, then you're going to lose a player and Camila's going to lose--"

"Who said she was? I don't care if we lose a player. I want everyone here to have fun but you're just ruining the vibe. And I can recall that Camila hit three of us while you hit only- how many? None." Lauren waved him off.

"Whatever! This game is being played with a whole bunch of idiots anyway!" Austin exclaimed loudly. Dinah heard him and raised an eyebrow, marching over there.

"What the fuck did you say? Did you just call us idiots? Did you just call my girlfriend, that's here, an idiot?" Dinah asked, furrowing her eyebrows in anger.

"Wait--uh, I was just leaving!" Austin quickly said, almost running to the door.

"No one calls my girlfriend an idiot. Except me. And her close friends in a joking manner. That's it!" Dinah said, about to chase Austin.

Lauren put a hand on Dinah's shoulder and shook her head. "Not worth it, Di." Lauren said.

"True. He was about to catch these hands though." Dinah scoffed then headed back to the two other girls.

"Camz, you can join our team." Lauren said with a small smile playing on her lips.

"T-Thanks, Laur." Camila beamed.

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