Chapter 18

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Morning came and Lauren was currently on a nice jog, prepping up for the day. Lucy had also joined on her jog.

Camila hadn't replied that night.

Lauren figured she'd probably be asleep or hounding Dinah for advice. She and Lucy had an amazing time at bowling.

Lauren laughed till her stomach hurt and smiled so much that her face ached from it.

Normani dropped Ally home and told her to be prepared for laser tag. Normani then had gotten home around the same time Lauren did and noticed how happy the girl was.

Lauren confessed to what happened and told her about their past. Normani was questionable about what happened that night too because Lauren also seemed kind of off.

Lauren wanted to sleep so she didn't want to go in depth about her and Camila.

Lauren would tell her today, after her jog, and after Normani woke up.

The two ran and saw an iHop. Lucy pointed to it and raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna have breakfast?" Lucy asked, in a hopeful tone.

"Yeah, sure. We have been running our asses off." Lauren grinned.

The two walked inside and sat down at a booth. Once they ordered, they comfortably sat there having small talk.

"So, laser tag today? You're getting your ass kicked." Lucy grinned widely.

"Me? Just remember who fucking won when we went on that date to laser tag." Lauren proudly said.

"Whatever, Jauregui. I've been practicing," Lucy retorted making Lauren quirk an eyebrow up.

"Have you actually been practicing?" Lauren asked, curiously.

"No, silly!" Lucy chuckled making Lauren laugh.

"Yeah, so, I mean, she seemed really pissed off last night. So I didn't reply. I didn't want to completely ruin her night." Camila's voice was heard making Lauren shoot her head up towards that direction.

Lauren shook her head and turned away from Camila. Lucy noticed who Lauren was looking at and grabbed her hand.

"We can leave if you want," Lucy offered. Lauren shook her head and looked at Lucy.

"We came over here after a good run, we're not leaving just because of her." Lauren stated, smiling.

"Just checking up on you, Jauregui." Lucy assured her, playing with Lauren's fingers.

"Just being here with you is enough distraction." Lauren grinned at Lucy.

Lucy smiled and looked over Lauren's shoulder. She noticed Camila looking around then deciding where to sit then looked over to them. Lucy quickly ducked her head a bit.

"You alright there?" Lauren chuckled.

"Uh, your little girlfriend is about to sit at a table near us. Also, she's staring pretty hard." Lucy shrugged.

"You're fucking kidding me. Where is she sitting?" Lauren asked. Lucy side-eyed Camila and saw that she was sitting at the booth opposite to them, on the other side.

"Oh shit, she has a nice view. My left, your right." Lucy informed. Lauren looked from the corner of her eye and saw the brown-eyed girl and Dinah staring at her.

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