Chapter 30

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3 years later

"Ms. Jauregui, Normani wants to know if she can see you for a few moments?" Lauren's assistant, Stacy, asked with her head poking through the doors.

Stacy was a blue-eyed and black haired woman. She was twenty-one years old, and had been working there for a year now. Lauren and Stacy had bonded greatly to the extent where Lauren could trust her with things.

Stacy was beautiful, bisexual, and got along well with Lauren- but Lauren's heart was still with Camila. So, they kept things work related and platonic.

It's been a long time, obviously. Lauren was now twenty-three and successful. Right after college, Lauren had put her double majors into work.

With the help of her parents, they had started her off at a spot in their building then bought her a building- they had trust in Lauren that she would do well.

Lauren was doing very well. She was now in charge of her successful company, LMJ Inc.

She was the CEO and was pretty known now. From her magazines, which was ironic, to the blogs that gossiped about celebrity news or problems in the world, to having fashion designers apart of her company, to about everything else you could imagine. Well, almost everything.

Since her parents were already known for their work, it wasn't hard for her name to be spread and have people come sponsor or advertise her stuff which led her to be a trending topic.

Lauren hadn't talked to Camila in those years. It was pretty saddening. Lauren hadn't found anyone else after that- actually, maybe a couple of hook ups here and there, like around three in those three years but that was it.

Lauren had seen some news articles that Camila was dating but, she never trusted those. She always remembered how much media made rumors about the smallest things.

"Let her in," Lauren said, putting her laptop aside and Stacy nodded her head. Lauren watched her best friend, Normani, stride in. Normani was now a professional dancer, actor, and singer. On the other hand, Ally had become one of the top bakers in the country, with her own baking show.

Normani grinned widely, handing Lauren a cup of coffee then sat down across from her.

"You're looking wonderful, chica." Normani said, smiling.

"As always," Lauren playfully replied causing her best friend to chuckle.

"You're looking pretty great as well. How's Dinah?" Lauren asked the chocolate beauty. Lauren hadn't talked to Dinah as well, yeah it was hard due to her being Normani's girlfriend but Lauren was always busy meaning she never ran into Dinah while she was with Normani.

"My Polynesian is still beautiful as ever and making me happy as ever. Actually, have you heard?" Normani asked, crossing her legs.

Lauren pressed her lips into a thin line and shook her head, "Heard what?"

"They're in Miami today." Normani said, drinking from her cup of coffee.

"And who is they?" Lauren asked, propping her elbows up on the desk, as she leaned towards Normani.

"Camila and Dinah." Normani soothly said, watching the reaction of her best friend go from calm to alert.

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