Chapter 26

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The next day, Lauren and Camila arrived at Lauren's house. Camila's nerves were going crazy and she felt like she was about to walk in there, greet her parents, then just face plant right into the ground.

Lauren could literally feel Camila shaking, and squeezed her hand to calm her down.

"They're going to absolutely adore you." Lauren assured the younger Cuban girl.

"What if they don't?" Camila asked, still nervous as ever.

"...Then I'm sure they'll pretend to absolutely adore you because I adore you." Lauren replied, as they walked up to the doorstep.

"I'm not sure whether to be scared of what you said or to kiss you." Camila said, gazing into Lauren's eyes.

"You can do both," Lauren suggested and Camila laughed, attaching her lips to Lauren's, giving her a quick kiss.

Lauren knocked on the door and the two waited there as Camila was kind of cowering behind Lauren.

"C'mon, honey." Lauren tugged on her hand, getting Camila to go beside her.

The door opened up and Lauren saw Sam, the bodyguard, standing there.

"Hi, Mr. Jauregui! I'm Camila Cabello and my god, you have such a lovely house and an even lovelier daughter and-" Lauren quickly put her palm onto Camila's mouth stopping the girl from talking even further.

"That's not my dad, sweetheart." Lauren chuckled and Camila's face turned red from embarrassment.

"Although, I would love to be Mr. Jauregui, I am not. But, hello, Ms. Jauregui...and lady friend." Sam greeted in a monotone voice.

"Is my dad here?" Lauren asked and Sam nodded.

"You caught him before he left for New York. He's currently packing with Mrs. Jauregui." Sam said and let the two in. Lauren nodded and they headed upstairs.

"What the hell? Your house has a bodyguard?" Camila asked, her face contorting into confusion.

"Hey! Not my fault my father's a big businessman." Lauren raised her hands in defense.

Lauren heard her mom and dad's voices and quickly went to their room.

"Knock knock." Lauren said, knocking on the door as well.

"Did you pack the- Lauren!" Her dad exclaimed once he heard her voice.

Her dad quickly engulfed the girl in a hug and her mom followed suit and did the same.

"Ah, did you bring your girlfriend today?" Mike asked, raising an eyebrow and wiggling it.

"Stop, dad! But, yeah I did! Here's Cam- Camila? Where'd you go?" Lauren asked looking behind her and not seeing anyone there.

"I'll be right back." Lauren quickly said then disappeared from her parent's sight to go find the girl.

Lauren looked in the bathroom then looked in her room to see Camila looking around at her pictures, posters, decorations for the room, CDs, etc.

"Camz, do I have to hold your hand for you to not stray away?" Lauren asked, laughing.

"Yeah." Camila muttered. Lauren approached the brown-eyed girl and grabbed her hand, intertwining it with hers.

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