Chapter 11

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"Look towards there, Laur." Chris Allmeid, the photographer, instructed her.

Lauren was in the car looking off into the distance when she heard that click from the camera.

"Was that our last one?" Lauren questioned before getting out of the car and going towards Chris.

"Yeah, they turned out amazing. Thanks, Lauren!" He grinned looking  through his camera.

"When will I be able to get all of them?" Lauren asked and he thought for a moment.

"Tonight, maybe. I'll pick out the best ones and send them to you via text." He grinned and Lauren gave him a thumbs-up.

"Thanks, Chris." Lauren smiled and he went over to the car and grabbed something from the front seat. Chris returned with a box that had dunkin' donuts on it.

"Have one," He smiled, opening it.

Lauren grinned, grabbing a donut, then started walking to her car. Lauren got in her car and started it up.

Chris went towards her window and smiled. "We should do this again, another time."

Lauren nodded and smiled. She put the donut in her mouth and held it there, then drove off. Lauren wondered what she was even going to do next.

The first thought in her mind was to call Camila and see what she's doing but she needed "space" but now, Lauren couldn't even remember why she needed space.

She had already thought things through and she came to a realization that she did like Camila. As more than a friend.

Lauren went into a random store parking lot and took out her phone, deciding to send a text to Camila.

Laur 🐱: I want to see you

Laur 🐱: I miss you and I really want to close up this space thing and spend time with you

Lauren sent the texts and took a deep breath and exhaled it. She waited for Camila to text back and about a minute later, she saw that little bubble pop up that indicated they were typing.

Camz 💕: should've told me an hour ago :( i let my manager fill my schedule with some dumb interviews

Camz 💕: i can cancel those interviews or only do one of them? i miss your cute self

Laur 🐱: Nooooo, don't be rude and cancel the interviews last minute, dork. I'll see you tomorrow or later on then? :)

Camz 💕: okay :/

Laur 🐱: Cheer up, babe. I'll see you later ;)

Camz 💕: B A B E

Camz 💕: ugh you put a wink and said BABE

Camz 💕: is this how people start sexting

Laur 🐱: So, what are you wearing, baby?


Laur 🐱: 😘

Lauren chuckled and wondered what Camila's reaction was looking like at the moment. Lauren put her phone in a cup holder and started driving towards the campus. She decided that she should just be a bum.

Once Lauren reached campus and into her dorm, she sat on her bed and proceeded to lay down. Lauren quickly texted Normani asking where she was and got back a reply that Ally had invited her to her house.

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