Chapter 1

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I open my eyes reluctantly. The sudden realization of the light has left my eyes in a hazy daze. I was taking a nap. I had no recognition of where I was, who I was with, the time....none of it comes to me. When my eyes finally come back into focus, I notice I'm not alone. I take in a sharp breath of air. "Huh?" I hear a groggy voice mutter beside me. I take a good look at this mystery person. I jump out of bed. "Whats wrong love?" The sound of his voice brings back all the memories. This isn't my room...heck this isn't even my house!! Its my boyfriend's..... I fell asleep right here in this bed in his arms after we watched our favorite movie Love Actually.

I run my hands through my hair and sit on the edge of the bed. "Are you okay" he asks as he scoots right next to me. "I'm fine" I say. His aqua blue eyes search my face, searching for any clues that says I'm lying. "Its just that I forgot where I was and I got scared..." I look down at my hands, ashamed that I was so foolish to believe that I was in any sort of danger in his care. He grabs my hands and I stare directly into his eyes. "You're always safe when I'm around, you know that." he reassures in the most serious voice I've heard him use today. "It's just that I'm not use to this yet." I tell him. I've been feeling this way all day but I pushed the feeling away so I could just enjoy him being here with me. I don't see him that often-- since he is apart of the hottest boyband in the world. He gives me a smile, but I can tell that its forced. "Babe, you know im trying my best" I tear away my gaze. I feel so bad for making him feel bad. "I know" i agree softly. Theres a long silence between us. He'd let go of my hands right after I spoke. He's rubbing his eyes, still not fully awake. When he stops he says "I'm can come down with me if you want...." "No, I'm okay...I'll come down in a few minutes" I answer without even glancing in his direction.

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