Chapter 9

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. ****a few weeks later****

I stare at the computer screen. There was an email from Liam in my in-box. It was urgent. Niall hasn't really talked to me since that day. Harry has tried to, but I wouldn't allow it. I couldn't risk to mess this up more than I already have. My hands were trembling. I have no idea what could be in that email. I click it.

New message: You have to fix this! I dont care what happened or what you're going to do, but you have to fix this!! This isnt a exaggeration...its really like this!!!

I open the link that was attached to the email. It was pages after pages saying how there's noticeable tension in the group and their overall performance wasn't really up to par. I finished skimming the article. I go back to the email

New message: You have to do something now! You have to! Come as soon as you can. Me, zayn, and lou cant take this much longer...

I scroll down some more. "Great" I say. "What cha doing??" I put my hand over my heart. "Whoa! Do you ever knock?! You scared me to death!!" He just laughs at me. "It's not funny" I say, finally catching my breath. He covers his mouth. "Dustin." He finally stopped. He plops down next to me. My computer almost bounces off my lap because of him. He perches his head on my shoulder. "What's that?" He questions. "Lucy..." I shut the computer. "Let me explain..." I say. "Are you really going there??" "Dustin" "Wait. did I see two tickets??! Who are you taking with you?? You know....I've always wanted to go to England..." He says, um, subtly. "Seriously. Let me explain" "Hey! How are you going anyways? The longest you've held up a job was for two months. And why are you going? I told you not to meet strange people on the Internet!" He faked scolds. "Dustin!!" I yell. I glance at him. He holds up his hands to defend himself. "Please just let me explain. And if you still want to be friends with me, then you can come with me" He scrunched up his face. "What do you mean? I could never not be friends with you. It's all I've ever known" he smiles. "Well that might change...I've been hiding something from you..."

I tell him everything. From when we first met, to where Niall and I are now with the addition of Harry. No words come from his mouth. He's mysteriously quiet. I would kill to know what he's thinking right now. "...and now I messed everything up so bad that now Liam, Louis, and Zayn want me to fly all the way out to England to fix things" I cover my face with a pillow. "I'm the most horrible person who was ever alive" He puts his arm around my shoulder. "No you are not. You're Lucy, remember? You don't even want me to kill a fly!" "They have families too!" I defend myself. "I don't care if they live for only three weeks! They deserve to live their lives!!" He rolls his eyes. "Anyways, you did the right thing. Trust me, if Taylor Swift asked me to do that..." I can tell he's off in fantasy land again. "Okay, seriously, you're going to make me sick!" I say, holding my stomach. "I don't get what you and Harry ever saw in her" "You're just jealous because you know shes stealing me away from you" he says. I scoff. "Okay....but do you still want to go? To England? With me?" I asked meekly. "I wouldn't miss it for the world"

****1 week later****

I pace around the room. He answers the phone. He never answers anymore. I gasp. "Niall!?" There was silence. "Niall talk to me babe" I nearly beg. "Lucy....I think we need to take a break" "Niall" I whimper. "I'm sorry, but you hurt me bad. I just can't do this anymore. At least not for a while" "Niall! You don't mean this. I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!! Niall!" I scream through the phone. I know my mascara was running. "Lucy. Stop crying" "I can't!" "Lucy. Do not cry. Please...don't waste your tears on me. I'm not worth 'em" I sniffle. "Yeah hold on Li" Niall says out of the phone. "I got to go" he says to me. "Niall. You can not leave. We need to talk!" "There's nothing left to say" "Niall. What happened to us? What happened to forever and always? You told me we'd be forever. What about that? Does that mean anything anymore??" I whisper. "Even forever has to end. I'm sorry. I got to go now. Take care." The dial tone sounds. I drop my phone. My hands were shaking. The only that kept me together the last few weeks was the fact that Niall hasn't actually officiallyy broken up with me. It gave me hope. But now that was gone. I drop to the floor. I cry uncontrollably. I soon get headache, but I keep going anyways. It won't stop flowing. I don't even make a sound. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.

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