Chapter 5

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       ****later today****

I knock on the door. Niall comes shortly after. "That's was so close" I say as I enter. "Um hello to you too..." He says a little annoyed. I turn around and hug him. "Sorry" I say "Hello Niall" I go into the kitchen and get a bottle of water. "It's just that I've been stressing so much over this" I take a swig. Niall sits on the couch and turns on the t.v. "I mean, how much exactly did he see? The whole thing?-- oh I hope not. Ugh! Why was I so stupid? I should have waited to talk to you. I ruined everything haven't I? So stupid! If he-" "Don't worry I took care if it all" he tells me. He lounges back in his seat. I'm already finished with my water. "What?! What do you mean?" I hurry over to him and sit besides him. He has that smirk that I always fall for on his face. "Took care of it all. No worries, love" I raise an eyebrow. "Oh really" I tease. "Tell me how you made our problem magically disappear?" "I talked to Harry and told him enough to make him stop asking questions" My eyes widen. "Did you tell him about us?!" I nearly scream. But he just laughs at me. "No. Of course not." Even though I knew that would never happen, there was still a sliver of hope that he did. It hurt way too much when he said he didn't expose us to his friends. "All I told him was that I ran into you in the store and we started talking" "And he bought that" I question. He lays his arm around my shoulder as I rest in the crook of his arm. "What can I say? I'm very persuasive. How did you think I got you?" "You basically kidnapped me remember?" I say, recalling our first encounter. "No I did not!" He says defensively. "Close enough" I answer in a low voice. He looks down at me, telling me that he heard my comment. "So that's it?" I ask one more time. "Yeah...I think we're good." He starts to change the channel.

"Hey do you wanna know something?" I nod my head. "When I was talking to Harry, he kept on asking things about if I got your number, if you were a fan, if you were from here, if we knew each other in some special way cause we 'seemed like it', things like that. He even asked if I had a thing for you, and of course, I said 'yeah man...I think I do' and he kept on saying 'she seems nice....very nice'." "So I'm nice in Harry's eyes." I think it over in my head "Very nice." "Yeah. But it was weird. He doesn't usually do that type of thing ya know?" "Hmm....maybe he likes me." I supply. "That's good right? He approves of your secret girlfriend." Niall looks me over. "Yeah...he approves alright..." "What's that suppose to mean?" I ask. I sit up and face him. "Nothing love" I roll my eyes. He cracks a smile.

I gasp. "Oh my gosh I totally forgot!" He cups his face with his mouth in a 'o' in fake shock. "Oh my gosh what?!" He asks, mocking me. I narrow my eyes at him. "Not funny." He presses his lips together. "But anyways, Kate got us VIP tickets for your concert!" "Lucy...." He says suspiciously. "Before you tell me no, I can't really back out of it.... I've been a fan even before this happened and it would look very suspicious if I didn't take them so ha!" I say with a triumphant smile. "Lucy I really don't think this is a great idea...." He warns. "But I really can't get out if it so...." I leave it there, hoping he'll finish with what I hope he'll say. "I guess I'll be seeing you with the rest of the lads next month." He finishes with much resent. I squeal in excitement. "Thank you thank you thank you!!" I wrap my arms around him. "For what? You would have went no matter what I said" "I know but I feel better this way." He rolls his eyes as I release him. "I still don't think this is the best of ideas..." I lay down on his lap and look up at him. "Well...frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!" I say laughing. He rubs my hair down and kisses me. "You say that now, but I'm telling you, we'll regret this..." I grab onto his collar. "Oh shut up and kiss me Irish boy" and I pull him to my lips.

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