Chapter 10

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 ****1 week later****

I look into the mirror in my temporary bedroom. My eyes were still a little puffy. I turn. "What is this?!" I call. "You told me to help, so I did! You are welcome my friend!" I stare at my bed. There was the clothes he pick out for me. I asked him to lay out some clothes for me while I met up with Louis. He told me what happened in the last few weeks but more in detail. I was completely deflated. I take my 'clothing' (aka a bandeau and short shorts that probably won't cover my butt) to the front. Dustin was lounging on the sofa. I throw them on his head. "We're going to a party tonight. Not a strip club, and I'm not the headliner, okay?" "I thought you were here to get Niall back. Trust me, anyone would take you back in this!" "Okay one, I'm not a slut and two, I'm not here to get Niall back. It's obvious that I won't ever get him back" I pause. That's the first time I said those words out loud. I clear my throat. "and I'm here to fix everything I messed up...that's all" I finish. He looks at me. "If that's what you tell yourself...." "I am! All I want to do is--" "Just open your closet" he interjected. "But--" "Go! Now!"

I march back into my bedroom. I open the closet. It was hanging on the door. I feel the fabric. I'm stunned. "All you have to do is pick out your jewelry and then you're done" I hear behind me. I turn to him. A tear falls down my cheek. "Oh god! I'd knew you cry" he whines. I chuckle. "Why are you crying? For the past week you've been crying at everything. Your eyes are going to be puffy forever if you keep this up!!" I pull him into a big hug. He wiggles his way out. "No. No more touchy feely stuff from you. I'm gonna take a shower. Tell me when you're ready" he starts to leave. "Dustin" he stops. "How did you know--?" "I pay more attention than you think Lucy"

***later on****

Dustin turns me to face the mirror. My jaw dropped. "Oh. My. God" "Aren't you glad my mom made me come to her salon with her?" "I can barely recognize myself!" "You are starting anew--as you keep telling yourself. So might as well have a new style too" he starts to mess with his bow tie. I help him out. "You are so good to me. How could I ever live without you?" "You would live a very boring life" I gasp. "What time is it??" "It's a little after 7" "We're going to be late!" I grab his hand and pull him through the door.

            ****later on****

The massive door opens. A girl with WAY too much make up stood in the doorway. "And who do you think you are? I don't know you" she says snouted. Her southern London accent was so thick. I scoff. How rude can someone be to a total stranger. "Well I'm Lucy--" "And I care why exactly?" She pauses. "Oh really? He described you differently. I like his version better" "Hey!" Dustin says to my defense. "Alright you two can come in" She steps aside. I look at Dustin. He shrugs his shoulders.

****later on****

Dustin and I were slow dancing. No way we were going to find different people in this crowd. We-- or at least I-- found them sketchy and I don't think they particularly liked us. It's like they could sense our American. It made me uncomfortable. I was so glad Dustin came here with me. I might have left if I was by myself. "Have you seen any of them?" he asks. "Strangely no..." I look around. "Don't worry. You will"

  ****Niall's POV****

I tap Zayn. "Hey you see that girl o'er there?" "Which one? That one dancing with that lad?" He points. "Yeah" "Hey, that sorta looks likes Lu---" "Do you think they're together?" "What if they are?" He eyes me carefully. "Just because there's a goalie doesn't mean you can't score, mate!" I laugh. "Okay, you're drunk give it" He takes my cup; I was too slow. "Seriously, mate. That really looks like Lucy..." "What?" I ask. I shake my head. "But Zayn, seriously, do you think I could? I think I could." Zayn sets my cup down. His face was serious. "I don't think you should, mate. Harry still isn't over her yet" A fast song comes on. That girl and her date, I guess that's what he is, part. I grab my cup and swallow the last of it. He sighs. "I'm going to talk to her...." I say. "Niall..." I stand up and throw Zayn my cup. "And I only had water. It's too early to get langers (Irish slang for drunk)" Zayn laughs and I leave.

  ****Lucy's POV****

We were at arms length apart. "Go. Mingle. Talk to a nice British girl. I'll be okay, I promise. Imma big girl!" I say. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm sure. I saw the way you were flirting with that blond. I can notice things, especially when it comes to you" "I haven't said one word to anyone here!" "With your eyes, duh!" I point at my own. The slow song has ended and a faster one began. We release our already loose grasp of each other. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Go!!" I order. "Okay....wish me luck!" He starts to walk backwards away from me. "You don't need it!"

I walk to the edge of the dance floor to hear myself think. Now was the perfect time to resolve the 'problems' I've caused. I sit down at the bar. The bartender comes over to me. "Now what would a pretty girl like you want?" he asks. "Surprise me" I say. Whoa! Where did that come from? I'm not allowed to least not in America I'm not. In England...that was a different story. I sigh. I drop my head in my hands. I could feel the presence of someone sitting by me. My head is to clogged to look up. I hear the wood scratching against the glass of the drink the bartender must've slid over. "Hey! Come back 'ere!" I rustle in my seat. "What's the matter?" the bartender questions. "What's this?" I hold my breath. "Take this back" the person beside me says. It cant be. No way. "Hey" he says more softly. It sends chills down my spine. "Are you okay?" He gently puts his hand on my back.

I lift my head so he can face me. "Are you serious?!" he exclaims. "Hi Niall" I say tiredly. "I can't-- I can't do this right now" he starts to leave. I grab his arm. "Niall..." I beg. He relentlessly sits back down. "We have to talk" "Lucy, I can't do this--" "we have to!" "I cant--" "Can't or won't?" I question. His face hardens. "Won't. I won't do this. Not right now." "We have to do this at some point! Why not now?" He mumbles something inaudible to me. "Can we go somewhere a little quieter?" I suggest. Niall eyes me for a second before he motions for me to follow him.

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