Chapter 13

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****later on**** 

"Where are you going?" Dustin asks. "I have a meeting" I reply. "Will I see you tonight or will I see tomorrow morning...?" He smirks. "I said I was sorry for earlier, okay? But that comment, that was unnecessary!" "Come on! I had to get you back. You're not getting off that easy" I roll my eyes. I sit down beside him. I could afford to be a little late. "So tell and Amy yeah?" He quirks an eyebrow. "You picked up a south London twang with a hint of Irish didn't ya? All in one night" He says mockingly. "Shut up! What happens next?" "I don't really know...but I did convince her to go on a date with me tomorrow though..." "Oh la la!" "Oh now you shut up" I play with his hair and make a face. "Are you in loovvee yet?" I tease. He pushes my head. "You are such a loser" I stand up. "Well obviously not since I'm about to go on a date with my pop sensation boyfriend" He throws back his head in exasperation. "Oh God! You're starting to get such a huge ego..." "No I'm not. And don't wait up!" I flash a smile before I leave. 

****later on****

I find Niall sitting down at bistro table holding a lone rose. I pull up a seat. "Is that for me?" I ask quaintly. He makes a face. "No. It's for me. Just look at me! I'm hot. Why wouldn't people give me flowers?" he pretends to flip his hair. I laugh. Oh how I missed this. "But seriously" he holds the rose out to me "This is part 1 of my: sorry-i-was-such-a-jackass-will-you-ever-forgive-me? --gesture" I smelled the flower. It was heavenly. I laid it on the table. "Part 1? What's part 2?" He takes my hand in his. "Well...I've been thinking that we should take this to next level..." I giggle. "Niall, babe, I think you're speech is a day late" "No no no. I mean the next. level." he stresses. I lean back in my chair and retract my hands. "I have no idea what you're talking about" He sighs. "Okay. Then think. What else could I possibly mean by 'the next level'?" I purse my lips to convey deep thought. I don't have time for this. "I don't know. Just tell me"

He rolls his eyes then pulls out his phone. He starts to type. I clear my throat. "Well are you going to tell me or not?" I question. He holds up a finger to hush me. This is not at all what I expected for today. The waiter brings over my cup of tea and places a pastry in front on Niall. He doesn't even look up. He's finally finished whatever and he puts it back in his pocket. I stare at him. He starts to drum on the table. Okay, I was really confused now. My phone beeps. I take it out. It's not like I had anything better to do. I sigh. "Did you just interrupt everything right now to tweet? Unbelievable..." He keeps beating. I read it.

My eyes slowly lifts up until it meets his. He smiles. I look back at the screen. Yup! I definitely wasn't imagining it. This was real. "@NiallOffical: sittin here staring at the most beautiful girl in the world @lucygoosey" OH MY GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! HE JUST TOLD THE WORLD ABOUT US!! My phone won't stop pinging. So many tweets! I turn the sound off. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. I'm just like Perrie and Eleanor now...everyone knows. I will be able to see Niall in public, do things with him I never could before. The idea of all this sent chills down my spine. And the directioners....HOLY FUCK I'M GOING TO GET DEATH THREATS. My stomach plummets. Maybe I wasn't ready for this after all. I never really thought about this side of things.... My phone lights up. He tweeted again during my silent celebration/ remorse. "@NiallOffial: life's great.. At home, bands doing great, and I've found my princess once again @lucygoosey"

I sigh. Now I was feeling very cross about this. Lol Louis. Focus! Niall opens his arms wide and shakes his hands. "SURPRISE!!" I force a smile. He leans towards me after a moment. "Okay what's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted??" I look down and shift my phone between my hands. "Well yeah. At first, but now...." "Now? What happened? I can't really take this back Luce." "Well I've never thought about the other side of going public. All I ever thought about was us going somewhere besides our homes. I didn't think about your fans. The judgments, the death threats--" "No one's going to do that-- at least not on my watch-- and they'll love you just as much as I do. How could they not?" "Well I was actually in this fandom and you think too high of us. We are horny stalkers!! They will poison me in my sleep!" "No they won't. You're overreacting" "No I'm not! They estimated how many times you went to pee-- how many hairs you have in your eyebrows-- your fingerprints even! They leak every music video almost! They hacked into airport security! I'm. Going. To. Die" His eyes go wide then back to normal. I guess he didn't know about all of that...oops... "Don't worry. I'll protect you from those scary 12-16 year olds" I can't believe he was making fun of me in a time like this. MY LIFE IS ON THE LINE. He clears his throat. "Sorry. But really, I won't let anyone hurt you Lucy" My heartbeat calms. Only 2 people can do that, him and Dustin. I nod my head slowly. "Okay but I swear if I get poisonous mail or my own fandom, I draw the line." "So no worries then? Okay! Love you princess" "Yeah, yeah love you too Irish boy"

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