Chapter 3

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             ****later on****

I'm at the mall with my other best friend, Kate. I was so glad she offered to take me somewhere. I can finally get my mind off of him. Ugh! I can't even say his name anymore without wanting to punch something. We sit down at this café. She grabs my hands and her eyes go wide. "I have some exciting news!!!" she practically squeals. "What? Did Zayn finally retweet you on Twitter like you've always dreamed of?" I say while laughing. Her face goes serious. "Not. Funny." She tells me, which only makes me laugh more. She still stares at me until she felt like I've calmed down enough to listen to her. "Okay. Back to the point. I've won the greatest thing on earth. Guess it" "Um VIP tickets to One Direction" I have to hold in my laugh....AS IF! "Um, yeah actually..." she says shyly. I drop the cookie I was about to devour. "What?" She nods her head and slides the plate that my cookie fell on towards her. "I did, in fact, won VIP tickets to the One Direction concert next month" she raises her eyebrows as she takes a bite. "Oh yum!" "Seriously?!?" I exclaim. "What is this cookie?? Its delicious!" she says instead. I reach over the table take back my cookie. "Focus!!" I swat at her. "I am! And you owe me big....starting with this cookie" she announces as she takes it back. I go to her side of the table and give her the greatest, most biggest hug ever done. "I love you Kate!! Love you love you love you!!!" "You bet you do!"

I return to my seat. After she took more of my cookies, which I had no objections to, she started to get more and more random. She gets distracted sooo easily its ridiculous. As a result of her randomness, I've gotten distracted myself. Looking at random signs...random people. I'm not even really listening even more. Just doing the occasional head nod and 'mmhmm'. Looking at the people who went by was getting boring. I was just about to listen to Kate and her never ending randomness when something caught my eye. OH MY EFFING GOD!! It was him. "What??" Kate asks. Her blond hair whips around, trying to find what i was so surprised about. I didn't realize I'd made it that obvious that I was so surprised. "Oh um...there was this lady and her outfit was just...just" I shudder to fill in the blanks. She laughs. "Hey I need to go to the restroom okay?" I start to get up. "Need me to go with you?" she asks. She starts to move. I put my hands up. "NO!" Well that wasn't obvious. I clear my throat. "I mean, I think I can handle this one. I'll be quick. Keep eating my cookies you stole." "I earned these!" "Whatever. Keep stuffing your face" "Just hurry back!"

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