Chapter 11

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 ****later on****

Well it's gone better than I expected. I've only cried twice! Ha. Ha. I sat on the edge of the bed while Niall lounges in a chair across from me. Niall lead me upstairs so we could hear each other easily. The music seemed like background music up here. I was grateful for the distraction. We've been so awkward talking. There was so many unspoken words between us. "Who's house is this?" I ask to fill up some space. "What? Oh, um, a friend of Louis I think..." Silence. "Niall..." I say. "No." His voice was sharp. He softens. He stands up and starts to pace. "Sorry." I nod. He stops in front of me abruptly. He reaches out and grabs a ringlet from my face. "This is new. You never wore it like this before." He wears this weird smile. It seems...broken. That's the best word for it. "I kinda like it. Suits you." "Suits me?" He starts to twirl it around his finger. "Yeah" I look up at  him. He lets go of my strands, but his hand still lingers near my face. To me, he looks like he's in a state of nostalgia. "Your hair, it's-- it's so--so"

Suddenly, there was someone banging on the walls. Niall and I exchange glances. "Oh stop it Harry!" we hear between the walls.Yay! He's over me! "I can't believe this!" Niall mutters under his breath. He falls back into his seat. He starts to rub his temples. The door to our room opens. Louis stumbles backwards. He looks bewildered at us. "What are you waiting for?!" Harry whines. Louis moves his arm out of my view. I guess he covered Harry's mouth "Shh...." he says quietly. Then he leaves. I look at Niall, then at the door, then back at Niall. He was shaking his head. "Larry is real?!" "They really need to be more secretive. I don't know how much longer we can keep this a secret..." "Oh my god! Larry is real! I can't believe it" "No no no its not like that. The just do...stuff every once in a while. And by that I mean once every two weeks or so. They get very lonely on tour...."

He stood up and started to slowly pace again. I guess he was as anxious as I was. "Lucy..." He sits down next to me. "What happened to us? We were doing so good" "Well I've been thinking..." I say. He crosses his arms over his chest. "and I think I was feeling neglected and you, you were jealous" I nudge him. "What?" He jumps up at that. He puffs up his chest. I could see the outline of everything up there. So muscular. "Jealous!" I singsong. He scoffs. "Me? Jealous of Harry?" "Yes" I say. "I was not and I can't believe you thought that about me. I'm not even the jealous type!" "Yes you are. I remember distinctly you telling me so!" He crosses his arms with a sigh and sits back down. "I remember no such thing" I put my chin on his shoulder and whisper. "You. Were. Jealous." I move away before he could swat me away. "I swear if you say that one more time..." "I can't believe you were jealous of Mr. 4 nipples!" Niall slowly turns to face me. His eyes narrowed "Luce..." he warns. "The cat lover....and apparently the lover of Louis too" "I'll do it. I'm not scared to. You have one more chance" There was a hint of something in his eyes among his serious stature, but I couldn't quite tell what it was. And I had no idea what he was talking about. He was probably drunk although I don't smell any alcohol. "You. Were. Jelly." I say emphatically. "Alright I warned ya"

I can't believe this. I totally forgot he found out. I meant to keep this a secret because I absolutely hate for people to know since they never seem to stop after they find out. Thankfully, Niall was sweet to me and only used it as a threat. But there I was, squirming on someone's bed, with Niall tickling me. "OH MY GOD NIALL STOP IT!" I scream. "You should've stopped" he says in between breaths. "Ni!!!" He just wouldn't stop. So, of course, I tickled him back. I really hope he was ticklish. He screams. "NO!" he screams. We go back and forth. I can't believe I was having a tickle fight in some stranger's bedroom in London, England with my ex-boyfriend. Livin' the dream!! Haha. No. Whoa! Back to reality. Niall pinned me down. "You weren't suppose to find that out!" he says helplessly. "Well you shouldn't have tickled me!" I counter. We both laugh. "Oh Ni..." The joyful expression of his face goes away suddenly. Oh no. He lets me sit up. It was replaced with what I think is desire. Wait what? 

"Lucy..." Niall starts. His eyes search my face. "Lucy, I still love you" "Niall?" "I still want you. I still NEED you" OH MY EFFING GOD I CANT BELIEVE THIS!! "Are you drunk?" I ask. "Lucy, I need you. You complete me" "Yeah. you're drunk" What am I saying? Niall rolls his eyes. Then he kisses me. "Okay, so maybe you're not" I conclude when we part. I definitely didn't taste any alcohol. I knew I shouldn't have, but I pulled him closer to me. I never knew how much I wanted this until it happened. He eases me on the bed and kisses me again. I start to undo the buttons on his shirt. His eyes burn into mine. "Lucy, are you sure?"  "Do you even have to ask?"

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