Chapter 6

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***the day of the concert***

"Why did we come so early?" I whine. "Its not like we're going to catch a glimpse of them coming here..." Kate pulls down her shades and gives me a once-over. "Are you really wearing that?" She teases. I look down. I'm wearing: white converse inspired by Harry, a solid shirt for Niall, a varsity jacket for Zayn, red shorts inspired by Louis, a bunch of turtle accessories for Liam, and curly hair partially for Harry and partially because I love it that way. "You're such a kiss up! And a carrot." She concludes with a smirk. "Well sorry I want to make a good impression..." I respond. "Okay go ahead" says the security man. Kate drags me in. We stand on the other side of the door. She corners me and looks me dead in the eye. She places her hands on my shoulders "Okay this is it. Make it or break it time. Our one chance! We have to make them remember us because I know I'm destined to be with Zayn....I know people. Look at my hands." "What about Perrie?" I ask. "We'll work that out when we get there" I hold in my laugh. She backs away. "How do I look?" she asks. "He'll leave her in a heartbeat" I answer to her pleasure.

        ****time passes****

I stare blankly at Kate. She's actually doing it. She's talking it up with Zayn and he actually stayed with her. GO KATE! I focus back on Harry. We've been talking for a while. I'm still waiting for Niall to be vacant. " what do you think?" He asks me. "Oh...I, um, I...." Niall comes behind Harry. "Hey! Didn't get a chance to talk to you." He says. I look at Harry. "Well it was nice talking to Lucy right?" "Yeah" I confirm "It's Lucy" Then he leaves. Niall takes his spot. "Hey Lucy" he says. He looks me over while he lounges back in his chair. "Oh wow..." "What? I tried." Niall scrunches up his face. "What? It's not that bad is it?" I ask. I really hope he likes my effort. "No" he says absently "It's not that" He looks over my shoulder. "What are you--what are you looking at?" I turn around. I see Harry and Liam off to the side. I can see Harry's eyes gleaming. He looks so happy. Liam's back was turned to me, I couldn't tell anything from him. He's talking so excitedly to Liam. I couldn't make out any words. I look back to Niall. His gaze is still fixed on them. I can tell the muscles in his jaw are clenched. I look back at the two. I overhear a piece of their conversation "It's her!" I hear. Harry points beyond Liam and he turns to follow Harry's finger. He looks somewhat in my direction. He catches my eye and who's I'm guessing is Niall's. Then he waves. Harry and I lock eyes and he smiles at me. I turn back to Niall. "Who are they talking about? Sounds like Harry is finally interested in a fan. Wonder who it is..." I say. I glance around the room. Niall's still looking at them. He grunts. "I have a feeling I know who he's talking about." He says without moving his eyes. "Who?!" I ask. He finally looks at me. Whatever he said, it wasn't clear to me.

He gets up from the chair and walks over to the two. I try to decode what he said. At first I thought he said 'you' as in me, but I quickly dismiss it. I'm so lost in thought I barely notice Kate took Niall's spot. "So how did that go?" She quirks up an eyebrow. "Huh?" I ask confused. "With Niall...." He urges. She nudged me with her elbow. ", fine. What about you and Zayn?" I counter. A huge grin goes across her face. "Perfect. Right on schedule." She looks over her shoulder. "Ooo! He's open again! Wish me luck!!" She hurries over to Zayn. I'm alone again. I'm really nervous. Niall seemed really mad or really annoyed with Harry. But I still can't help but put myself at fault. If I wasn't here, Niall wouldn't be as stressed so he probably wouldn't be this upset. I look over at them. Niall's still talking to them. I turn around and sink in my seat. I twiddle my I am actually playing with my thumbs. How nervous am I??

I can feel the presence of someone behind me. I look up, straining to see who it is. "Hey" Harry says casually. He takes back his seat. "Hi Harry" I say in response. "Hey question: are you a huge fan?" "Um, yeah. I think I am...Why?" "Well you seemed, um, pretty cool and I wanted to, um, talk to you more so I was going to, um, give you these..." He hands me two badges with lanyards. "They're backstage passes for after the show....there's one for your friend, too." I flip them over in my hands. "Um, I dont know if I should...." "Oh, we will" Kate says. She magically appears at my side. "Thank you very much for these, we owe you" She takes one for herself. She flashes a smile "Thanks" then she goes back to Zayn, probably telling him how she'll see him after the performance. I shoved the pass in my bag. "Thank you Harry" I say.

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