Chapter 12

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   ****the next day****

      ****Dustin's    POV****

I moan as the sunlight fills my vision. What time is it? I try to remember the events of last night. Something shifts beside me. I struggle for a look. OH MY GOD IT WAS THAT BLOND. Oh what was her name again?? A....A something. Um, um. Oh yeah! Amy. What is England doing to me?! How could I have slept with a girl I barely knew the name of? I was a totally different person here. Stupid time zones are messing with my brain! My adventure from the night before come to me. I sigh. Lucy was going to kill me. I was still in this stupid house. How did she get home?? Yup...she is definitely going to kill me. Great.

I spot my jeans. The bed creaks. Dammit. She starts to stir a little bit. I stay put, afraid to wake her. She seems to have went back to sleep so I decide to put them on. They were halfway up when she decided to wake up. "Where are you going babe?" she asks in a drawled voice. "I'm, um, going to go check on something. But I promise I'll come back" "Okay, whatever" I was halfway through the threshold was when she spoke again. "Hey! You we're amazing" a smile spreads across her face. I laugh nervously. "Thanks, you were too"

  ****Lucy's POV****

"Niall?" I've been been staring up at the ceiling for the past five minutes. "Ni sweetie" He shifts. "Yes?" Oh that morning voice. "What does this mean?" "What does 'what' mean?" "Well this." He shifts again. "Babe, you're not making any since" "I mean with what happened last night, where do that leave us?" "Well..." He sits up a little. "I love you and you love me right?" he asks. I nod my head slowly. "There's your answer" "That was so romantic Ni" "Aren't you lucky you have me? I'm a great catch!" He winks and lays his head down back on the pillow. I stretch a little bit. "Babe, you love me right?" he calls. "I just answered you Niall" I start to stand up to stretch even further. Wow was I sore. "Well do you love me enough to get me some food?" he pouts his lips. It took all my strength to not kiss those lips. Oh what those lips could do! And those fingers could work wonders. Okay stop it, Lucy. Not the right time for these thoughts.

I roll my eyes. "I really shouldn't...." "But you will?" his lower lip quivers. That bastard. My emotions. I pick up his shirt from last night and slip it on. "Yeah I will" I button up his shirt, I didn't care if it was too big for me, I was wearing it. He pucker his lips. I sigh, even though it was exactly what I've wanted to do since I woke up. I give him a quick peck. He grabs my shirt. He brings me back down for a longer, deeper kiss. Oh God.

I leave the room. My head is so cluttered after last night. So much has happened. All of a sudden, someone ran into me. "Whoa! Slow your roll!!" "Lucy?" "Dustin?" Okay I was really confused now. "What are you doing here?" he asks. "What are you doing here?!" "Why are you here?" "Why are you here?!" "Stop repeating everything I say!" "Stop repeating-- oh" I say. I blush. He pauses and turns in a circle and eyes me for a minute. He gasps. "Niall?! Really?? Wow...." I walk away from him. "Dustin. Shut. Up." He follows me anyways. "You hooked up with Niall, didn't you?" he says disbelieved. "No" "Oh so then Harry. Did you sleep with Styles? God Lucy!" "NO!!" "So if to Harry then Niall" "Shut your mouth" "And you said you didn't come here to get him back. Lies..." "I didn't. Things just happened" "That you initiated" I turn to him. "Why are you here? Don't you have a blond waiting for you?" I ask. He clicks his tongue. "Feisty aren't you?" I roll my eyes. "Goodbye Dustin. Make sure you find me before you leave okay? You're still my ride." I head down the steps. His laugh following me.

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