Chapter Three

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"Hey Alex!" Calum screams as I exit my last class. I purposely sigh loudly.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"We do live right next to each other thought you could use some company" he offers. I just keep walking, hoping that he would get the idea.

"Calum!" An out of breath voice says behind us. I look behind and see a beautiful dirty blonde boy running towards us. I could tell he was exactly my type just from looking at him. His haircut, earrings, and the Of Mice and Men bracelet that stuck out from his blazer.

"Hey man," Calum says to him once he caught up with us, "Alex, this is Michael. He's the guitarist the band I'm in and my best friend. Michael, this is Alex, my bitchy neighbour" I just roll my eyes at what Calum said, looks like he finally got the idea that we are never going to be friends. Michael shakes my hand and starts walking home with us.

"I like your bracelet, they're good but All Time Low is my favourite band." I tell him.

"Really? Me too. What's your favourite song by them?" he asks.

"I love 'Damned If I do ya', but I also really like 'Somewhere in Neverland'" I reply.

"Oh, that's Luke's favourite too! I really like Stella"

"Is Luke in this band too?" I ask.

"Yeah. He's lead vocals and guitarist too" Calum replies, obviously annoyed at Michael and me flirting. Well, what a modest girl like me calls flirting.

"Maybe one day I could see how you guys play. And if possible I'd like Calum not to be there" I say, causing Calum to roll his eyes. Michael laughs at Calum and I, even though I was dead serious.

"Why don't you come to Calum's house now with us since you live next door" he suggests.

"Sure! Right after I change out of this uncomfortable uniform" I add, I've been waiting for this moment all day.

"Sounds good!" Michael exclaims.

"But Luke and Ashton are only coming at 5! What are we going to do with her for two hours!" Calum yells.

I purposly cough, "I'm right here dickhead" I say.

"You hear that! That's all I've heard since she moved next door! I've been insulted and I've even had stuff thrown at me! I'm not letting this bitch into my house!" he screams.

"Calum she's right here! She's your new neighbor, you have to get along! Just suck it up and for the next two hours I'm going to make sure you two don't hate each other anymore!" Michael yells back. Without responding, Calum speed walks away from us, which I felt was really pointless since he was only a few feet ahead of us that way.

"I'm sorry about that, he usually doesn't act like this" Mike apologises.

"Funny. Calum said the same thing earlier, also that I bring out the worst in him" I say with a smile, knowing that Calum can hear everything we're saying.

"Why don't you like each other?" Mike asks.

"I'm not really sure. I guess he was being annoying and then I just told him off" Calum immediately turns toward us.

"I was nothing but nice to you since you came! I came over to meet you the day you arrived, I showed you to literally ALL of your classes, and I even offered to walk you home!" he yells. I really wish I had a comeback, but Calum was telling the truth. Why did everything turn out like this? Us hating each other from only knowing each other for a day. Calum saw that I had nothing to say back so he huffed and started speed walking away from us again. For the rest of the walk, Michael suddenly becomes quiet and barely says another word.

Ever since the inncident, I've prommised myself that I'd be strong and not let my weaknesses get me down. One fucking band is not going to change that for me.


After about ten more minutes we all arrive at Calum's house. I go over to my house, change into some comfy shorts and a t shirt and immediately go to my neighbors house. The only reason I'm staying is not to become BFF's with Calum, it's only because I like Michael. He's really nice, hot, plus he doesn't look like a long time relationship kind of guy.

"Ok first! Truth or Dare?" Michael says.

"What!?" Calum says as if Michael suggested a threesome. Well, it is truth or dare, so the closest thing to that.

"I think it would be a great idea" I say, sitting down next to Michael.

"She's only agreeing because I'm not!" Calum wines, I shoot him a smirk to show him he's right.

"You guys are fucking neighbors! If we all spend an hour or so answering questions and doing ridiculous dares, you'll realize that you are actually really similar" Michael explains. I laugh in disbeilief, but stay planted to the ground. I guess Calum knew his friend wouldn't back down, so he sits down as well.

"Truth" I say in response to Michael's first question.

"Why are you such a bitch?" Calum jumps in and asks. I roll my eyes, is he seven?

"That is not why were playing!" Michael screams, like a nerd trying to break up a fight.

"I've learned a lot from all the foster homes I've been to, 'Mr.Knowitall'. I act this way, so everyone knows who's in charge." I say, leaning back, satisfied with my answer. Calum remains unfazed and rolls his eyes. "Ok, Michael. Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth" he replies. "You're such a wuss! Ok then, who's your favourite member of All Time Low?" I ask really curious. If it's Jack Barakat then I know we're meant to be.

"Definitely Zack" he replies, breaking my heart. I gasp at his answer and give the 'are you kidding me' face.

"I know I don't understand either. Jack is definitely the best" Calum replies from the side, shocking me. He likes my favourite band member. Being someone who is completely immersed in music, makes this a big deal. But it's Calum for heaven sake's!

"Truth or dare Calum" Michael asks.

"Truth" he replies, making it obvious that he doesn't want to move and do a dare.

"Jenna from Tonight Alive or Haley Williams?" I ask, knowing that even I would have hard time deciding.

"In what way in general, dating, or banging?" he asks.

"Like if only one could exist who would you want it to be?" I clarify. Calum grips his hair, showing how tough this decision is.

"I loved Paramore back in the Riot days, but I always skip their new songs when it comes on shuffle cause there music's changed a lot since the brother's left. Tonight Alive has always been really good and The Other Side is such a kick ass album. But Paramore's a legend!" he states. It's all true though.

"Tick tock, tick tock" I say to make him choose faster.

"Jenna!" he says followed by a sigh.

"Good option" Michael says, also winning my nod of approval. Jenna's a babe as well, I mean so is Haley but I would do Jenna over Haley any day.

"So what time are the other two coming here?" I ask.

"Soon, how about we watch a movie until then" Calum suggests, knowing that truth or dare will lead to chaos.

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