Chapter One

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I strut out the airport doors, still mad about what happened at the last foster house I left. I try to take the paper that has my new home address on it to give the taxi driver as a tall man bumps into me and almost knocks me down. "What the fuck! You could have at least say sorry!" I yell as he speed walks away. However, once he realises I'm talking to him, he turns around to look at me.

"Sorry," he blurts out over his shoulder before continuing to run in the opposite direction. I let out a grunt as I make my way out to the taxis. Who does he think he is! Just watch it, one day I'll be big and famous and he's gonna regret the day he failed to pay attention to Alex Dyar.

In a matter of minutes the taxi driver pulled up to the foster house I would be staying at. The parents didn't even bother to come and pick me up at the airport!

When I rang the bell, instead of an adult opening it, it was a 10 year old boy. "Hi you must be Alex," he says when opening. "That's me. Who are you?" I ask, even though I couldn't give much of a fuck, but if anything I don't want another brother. "My name's Tom," he says with a really delicate and fragile voice. I walk around the house, memorising the surroundings and occasionally picking up items to play with. "And how long have you been in the hell hole also known as the foster program?" I ask.

"My whole life, but then Karen adopted me. You?" he asks.

"I've been jumping from foster home to foster home for the last three years. Don't ask anymore questions because I'm not planning on staying long," I state.

"Where are the parents and other kids?" I ask.

"They're both at work. They tried really hard to get the day off, but they couldn't. Our mom's a journalist and creative writer and our father is Radiologist. I'm the only kid here," he says. I stop walking around and hold my hand up to him to tell him to stop.

"Hold up, OUR parents. No, your's, once they see who I am I'll be sent off to another place. And what kind of foster house has only one kid?"

"There used to be a lot of kids here, but then they closed down the foster home and adopted me" he says.

"Wait then why am I here? They didn't adopt me" I tell him.

"I'm not sure you're going to have to ask them, but they're really nice" he replies with a shrug.

"Where's my room?" I ask, steering away from getting to know more about this new family. He directs me to one of the rooms on the top floor of the three story house. The room was surprisingly big, and had a huge window, which I love. However, the window didn't face a great view, just the house next door. The walls were a light violet, not my favourite color, but I could deal with it, they're going to be covered with music posters anyway. In the corner there is a stand up piano in pretty good condition, the one thing I asked of the parents. I set my guitar cases, and clarinet right next to it, making a little music corner. There's a medium sized black desk in the other corner and a huge black dresser decorates most of the wall opposite the window. The bed sheets are black and purple. I could tell that girl, or girls, who had this room before was very similar to me considering the punk sort of feel I get from it.


"Hey I'm here to meet your new sister" I hear a guy say from the door. I look and see an asian looking, black haired boy around my age at the door. "You!" I scream, realising its the same boy that pushed me over at the airport.

"I thought you were leaving and I would never see you face again" I say disappointed.

"This is your new sister?" Calum says, obviously appalled by my attitude.

"No I'm not. They didn't adopt me! I'm just here till they kick me out and send me to a real foster home"

"When will that cycle stop" he says with an clearly rude tone.

"Until I'm 18, or become famous, whichever one comes first" I explain, sounding a little bit too high of myself.

"Don't think you can become famous for doing nothing" he says, and that's what throws me off the edge.

"Excuse me!" I say, poking his chest, forcing him to take a step out of the house. "You don't know me. You don't know what I do! I could be a singer, an actress, a musician, a dancer, or whatever 'The Kardasians' do. Don't you dare judge me!" I yell.

"I'm sorry, it just kind of came out" he admits. "How about I show you around?" he asks despite how bitchy I'm acting.

"No thanks, I was about to take a bike ride anyway" I say, softening up a bit.

"Want company?"

"No thanks. I want to be alone." I say, hoping he would understand. From his expression I could tell he did.

"How long have you been in the foster program?" he asks. I know I told Tom, but I don't feel like talking again, plus Calum would ask more questions.

"I don't want to talk about it" I say, allowing my red highlighted hair to cover one of my eyes.

"Well if you ever need anything I'm next door" he turns around and starts walking to his house.

"Don't plan on me staying for long dickhead." I say, perfectly ruining the moment and hoping that he wouldn't think about how messed up my past is. By the expression on his face, I could tell that he was disgusted at how quickly I could turn into a bitch when he tried to be nice. Right before he turns back to start walking again I flip him off, making sure he knows that I don't give a fuck.

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