Chapter Eight

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In my opinion, my encounter with Calum on Sunday went well. I can't feel bad about what I said, I meant every word. All day at school I was dreading the fact that Calum and his family are coming over for dinner. So far I've been able to ignore him while walking to school by listening to music. We still walk side by side since Karen told him to, but at least I don't have to talk to him. I've also been spending my offs with Lola and avoiding the boys, even if she does ask about them from time to time.

"Arn't you a little to old to watch Spongebob?" Tom sneaks up behind me and asks.

"No" I scoff rudely taking another carrot stick from my plate to eat.

"Can I watch too. I love this show" he tells me. I soften up and smile at him, motioning for him to sit next to me and share my plate of baby carrot sticks.

We both continue laughing at the show when I suddenly feel his eyes on me again.

"What? Stop looking at me like that" I tell him.

"Do you have any other siblings?" he asks.

"No I'm an only child" I inform him, not asking about his siblings just in case he got separated from them or something.

"Me too. Foster kids arn't the same as having a real sibling, but now you're here" he says happily, making me regret every rude thing I've said to him.

"Yeah" I reply, not really knowing what else to do. He's obviously excited about getting an older sister.

"Do you want to come on a bike ride with me?" I ask once we finish watching two episodes of Spongebob.

"I can't, my friends coming over soon" he explains as he turns the TV off and says bye before leaving.

I get one of the bikes from the garage and head out, planning on having a long bike ride. The more I look at it, the more beautiful this neighbourhood gets, it's going to be a shame to leave it, but leaving places are a hella lot easier than leaving people.

About twenty minutes into my bike ride, I see a field filled with sweaty soccer players, but one caught my attention. Calum. I swear this boy pops up everywhere! First the airport, the house, school, and even outside my window! I'm going to be so happy to leave this house all due to him.

I ride closer to get a better view, but not close enough for him to see me. Luke, Ashton, and Michael all sit in the stands watching this game. From the looks of it, Calum's team is loosing and he looks a mess. I park my bike on the back of the stands and sit next to Ashton.

"Calum's loosing right?" I ask him, giving him a little shock from seeing me.

"Yea. Does Calum know you're here?" he asks.

"I didn't even know I'd be here" I reply. I was planning on leaving, but then Calum sees me. He looks shocked as well, but then starts to focus on his game, finally scoring a goal and making the score 3-5. The whole crowd cheers, including me as the team goes to give Calum a pat on the back.

"There's so many kids from school" I whisper to Ashton after noticing that most of them are looking at me now, probably from all the times I've been seen with Calum.

"Yea didn't Michael or Luke tell you? Calum's the Mr.bigshot of your school" he says with a chuckle.

"So I've heard" I say while rolling my eyes, it's so typical. Star football player, in a band, most likely a player as well.

"I take it you don't like him?" Ashton asks.

"Eh, we don't really see eye to eye" I tell him.

"Really? The song you wrote together was really good" he states. I shrug, not wanting to explain my hatred for the lyrics.

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