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(Y/N)'s POV

When I woke up, the house was eerily quiet. I sat up and moved my ankle a little bit. It didn't hurt as bad as the day before but I wasn't sure I could walk on it. I tried and quickly sat down again with a hiss of pain. I huffed and just stared straight ahead. I ended up glaring at a picture of a bone on the second floor, between Papyrus and Sans' rooms. I hated being injured. It made me weak. All because of that stupid freaking flower.

Suddenly, I felt hatred and anger fill my entire being. I wanted to kill something. No- I needed to kill something. I felt something tingling in my right hand. It was a (F/C) flame, the same color as my soul. I gasped and closed my fist. I felt the hatred and anger fade and the flame extinguished.

I stared at my hand. Humans don't have magic, do they? I mean, I don't think they do... Then again didn't humans use magic to put up a barrier? No... That's not right. This is a game.
You're part of the game now, (Y/N)... It was the same voice from my nightmares.
Who are you?
You know who I am.

I was interrupted out of my thoughts and my conversation with whoever is in my mind by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. I put my hand at my side as Sans walked down the stairs drowsily.

"Hey Sans. Oh sheesh.... You look bone tired." I said, while trying to hold back a laugh. I failed and busted out in laughter with Sans.

"How's that ankle feeling, kid?" Sans asked.

"Not as bad as yesterday but I still can't walk on it." I told him.

"Here you should eat this." Sans said and handed me a Cinnamon Bunny. I had seen these at the shop next to the inn. I took the monster food from Sans and ate it. I immediately felt better. I stood up and grinned when I found that I could walk without any pain.

"How...?" I asked. Sans grinned wider than normal.

"Monster magic." I nodded in understanding and then looked down at my hand that held the magic flames.

I saw Sans looking at my hand in confusion, like he was trying to understand why I was staring at it. I laughed nervously and pointed to the door.

"I'm gonna go explore. See ya around!" I said and ran out the door. I ran to the save spot and hurriedly saved before going into the Snowdin forest area. I passed a few monsters that I had already spared and interacted with them.

I passed some of Papyrus' puzzles and I stopped when I got to Sans' sentry station. I hugged myself to conserve warmth and sat down on Sans' seat. It was a lot more comfortable then the snow. I lay my head down and looked at my hand, trying to see if I could set it on fire again. Soon, I grew frustrated and angry. I stood up and kicked the snow. Then I felt my hand start to tingle a little. I looked at it and tiny (F/C) flames danced in it.

I watched it in wonder for a few seconds before it disappeared. I sat back down and tried to figure out how I summoned the flames. Was it random? No. Of course not. That's when it hit me.

"Emotion." I whispered to myself. Each time the flame was summoned I was feeling angry.

"Is it anger or any strong emotion?" I wondered aloud.

"How did I even get this magic?" I asked myself quietly.

Simple. I gave them to you. It was the voice from my nightmares.

I stood up and looked around. I couldn't see anyone.

You can't see me, idiot. At least not while your awake.

"What do you want with me? And who ARE you?!" I asked aloud. I was becoming angry and I couldn't control the flame I felt in my hand.

(Y/N)... How many times do I have to say it before you understand? You. Know. Me.
It's me... The first fallen...

I gasped. It couldn't be.
No... No it's not. It can't be.

It is...

"Chara." I stated and heard the voice laugh.

Finally. Took you long enough.

"Why?!" I asked loudly and stood up. I felt panic and anger and hatred. I felt the flames that had engulfed my right hand. I felt my right eye tingle too and assumed that like sans, my eye had changed colors.

I'm bored (Y/N)...  And your soul belongs to me. Don't you remember?

I shook my head. I did remember though. The end of the genocide run. They destroyed the world. I wanted my game back though and they gave me an offer. I give them my soul and I would get to play again. I didn't think they would actually take it though. Then again, I didn't think I would be pulled into this game. Chara controlled my soul now. I felt myself trembling and the magical flames were crawling up my entire right arm.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! JUST GO AWAY... Leave me alone... Please." I heard Chara giggle.

Since you asked so nicely. Besides it seems that the skeleton has spotted you. Oh he's really grown attached hasn't he? I wonder how he would feel if... Say... Something bad happened.

"You leave him alone!" I shouted and felt the flames grow stronger.

Ooooh. Don't tell me you have a crush? Heehee. This is going to be FUN. I'll see you later (Y/N)... Have fun explaining this to him.

As Chara left I felt my flames die down a little. I was breathing heavily. This was worse then any nightmare. This was real. I curled up in a ball and tried to calm myself down and extinguish my flames. I was scared. I was terrified.

I heard footsteps crunching in the snow coming closer to me. They seemed to be running. I guess Chara was right about Sans witnessing this. I tried to calm down for Sans sake. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, but that seemed to only make it worse.

"(Y/N)! Listen kid you have to calm down. Think of something else, okay?" I heard Sans say and I tried but my thoughts kept going back to Chara.

Sans... I don't want to see you hurt.

"Hey, uh... Y-you know what a skeleton tiles his roof with? Shin-gles." Sans joked and I found myself smiling and calming down a little.

Of course he would be telling me a pun. That's just like him.... But... He's not freaking out. Why isn't he yelling at me? Did he really mean it when he said he didn't hate me? I had my doubts but maybe he really doesn't hate my guts.

I calmed down enough to where I only felt the tingle of the magic in my eye. I couldn't seem to smother my panic all the way.

I felt Sans put his hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw him with a worried look on his face.

"My god (Y/N) what happened?" He asked. I took a deep breath.

"A demon now owns my soul and gave me this... Magic. I'm just a toy... And they're bored." I whispered. I wasn't sure why I was whispering but I didn't really want to use my voice.

"Who's this Demon you're talking about?" Sans asked.

"Chara. The first fallen human... Listen to me Sans, you need to stay away from me. If Chara has my soul then I'm just their puppet and if they're bored then whoever I'm close to is just going to get hurt." I told him.

"(Y/N) I -" Sams started but I cut him off.

"You, Papyrus, and Toriel. Even Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton would get hurt. I don't want that. I would hate myself I don't want to hurt everyone again." I said sadly and stood up shakily and walked away.

Hey guys. So Like I said (I think I said) in the last chapter school is starting back up so it might be hard to update daily as I'll be busy with schoolwork but I've gotten to chapter six in pre-written chapters so we should okay. Anyway. Thank you so much for reading I saw that I had 50 views and for me that's a lot for just three parts.

Oh my god the comic though. XD It has nothing to do with this chapter but I just found it really funny.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :3

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