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I woke up to find Tom staring down at me.

"(Y/N)?!" He asked, bewildered. I sat up and rubbed my head.

"Eh... I guess I have a lot to explain, huh?" I asked.

Chara? I asked mentally, but I got no response. They were really gone.

"What the hell was that?!" Tom questioned.

"I'll explain everything, okay, but first I need to ask the questions. Did you delete the save file?" I asked him.

"Yes yes. I got your stupid text and when I didn't hear back from you after two months then I came over and went into your office. Undertale was playing, except nobody was actually playing it. There was a strange sprite that kind of looked like you and then there was a fight and then the skeleton and yellow person started talking about fighting 'Chara' and then you started talking about not having much time and I went ahead and deleted the save files." Tom explained with a confused and worried look on his face. I nodded.

"Okay... Okay thanks. You saved my life. And a lot of other people's lives too. Thanks." I thanked my brother. Then I explained everything that happened. He teased me for liking a pixelated skeleton, but seemed relieved that I was okay and shocked about the situation altogether. If he didn't see it then he wouldn't believe it.

"So, do you think you were the first person to go into the game?" Tom asked and I shook my head.

"I doubt it, and I don't think I'll be the last. Maybe I was though. We just don't know." I answered.

"Hey, one more question. Does your magic still work?" Tom asked and I concentrated and tried to activate my magic. It seemed like it was still there but I couldn't activate it.

"It's still there. It won't work though." I told him and he nodded. There was a long silence and I looked at my computer screen. An Undertale wallpaper with Sans and Chara in the judgement hall popped up and I walked over to turn the monitor off.

"Too soon. Way too soon." I muttered and threw myself back onto my bed. Tom patted my head.

"I have something for you. I'll leave it in the kitchen. Make sure you eat something, okay? I've gotta go to work. Don't forget to text me, okay, (Y/N)?" Tom asked.

"Yeah yeah okay Mom." I muttered and waved him away. I was incredibly grateful for my brother. I don't know what I would've done without him.

About an hour later after me moping in bed, I got up and walked towards the kitchen. On the counter was a note.

Little sis,
You better be responsible with this okay? Actually to hell with responsibility, just don't get yourself killed. I don't know what you'll decide to do with this, but just be careful. Before I erased the save files I copied them to a thumb drive. So basically, from what I can tell, this thumb drive basically contains all of your friends' memories. It also seems to contain Chara's memories. Just get stronger if you ever decide to go back.

I looked at the blue thumb drive that was indeed sitting next to the note. I grabbed it and put it in my locked jewelry box in my room. I thought about how I should train and remembered that determination and emotions were the key in the underground. So, I needed a lot of determination and really great emotion control.

I was going back. I would train myself, but after that I was going to go back and deal with Chara. I wasn't going to just give up this time. This time I would be even more determined.

~End of Book One~

Thank you guys so freaking much. I love you all. Without you reading this I would have given up long ago. You guys kept me determined. So, tell me what you thought about the book. I'll be working on the sequel and I had another idea for an Undertale fan-fic so I'll be doing that along with the second book to this series. Also, since I have almost no idea how computers work (my brother does but I'm too lazy to ask him) I'm just making my own rules, if that's not already the way it works.

So basically, a save file contains all of the timelines, all the of character's memories, and everything that happened in this book. You can copy the save file to a thumb drive and put it back into the game and play.

So yeah. Thank you for reading! See you in book two.

~~~So, I know that I already published this chapter, but I just remembered something and I wanted to put it in here because have no idea where I would put this. It's a request I guess? Do any of you know how to make covers? Because I have no idea how. I'm just terrible at doing covers. So, if any of you are interested in making a cover for this book just message me. Thanks!~~~

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