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(Y/N)'s POV

I brushed my (H/C) hair out of my face and listened to Sans speak with Toriel.

"-don't think she remembers." I heard Sans say. There was a reply from behind the door, but it was muffled. I slowly and quietly made my way closer. I hid behind the rock that was located next to the ruin doors. I could hear Toriels voice too, but I had missed her last reply when I was moving closer.

"Not exactly." Sans said sheepishly.

"Why not?" Toriel asked. Sans sighed sadly and messed with a leaf.

"I think she likes Papyrus to be completely honest." He said glumly.

"Oh... Are you sure?" Toriel asked. Sans nodded but then remembered that Toriel couldn't see him.

"Pretty sure. She hasn't actually said that she does but..." He trailed off. I wondered who he was talking about.

"I still think you should tell her." Goat mom told Sans. He looked down.

"Have your nightmares gotten better?" Toriel asked Sans after realizing that she wasn't going to get a reply from him. I was really curious on who this person was that they were talking about.

"No. They keep getting worse, actually. Everyone I love dies and I'm helpless." Sans told Toriel.

"Well, from what I've heard, you aren't as helpless as you are in your nightmares." She said to the skeleton. I was still crouched down behind the rock, listening intently. I felt guilty but couldn't help myself.

"Yeah. It still hurts seeing everyone die. Especially (Y/N)... It's worse when she's the one doing the killing though." He admitted. I covered my mouth and fell onto my butt. A twig snapped and Sans went silent. I mentally cursed myself and held my breath. My heart was racing. I let out a small breath of relief when he started talking again.

"I don't know how long I can take it..." He murmured. Toriel said something else but I was already running away. I felt terrible and guilty.

I've been giving him nightmares...

I eventually arrived at Box road and collapsed on my knees, while panting from the run. I pressed my hand on the save point and saved.

Giving people nightmares isn't exactly something you do if you want them to like you. Chara said. I rolled my eyes.

What do you want Chara?

Just checking up on my favorite pet.

So I'm your pet now?

Of course, (Y/N). You always have been.

I can practically see the grin. I muttered in my thoughts. Then I saw Chara standing in front of me. I shouted and scrambled backwards.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I exclaimed. They doubled over in laughter.

"Y-you should see your face." Chara said in between fits of laughter.

"How are you.." I trailed off.

"I'm projecting an image of myself into your mind basically." They told me. Then I looked looked left as I heard the sounds of running footsteps. Sans appeared a moment later, with a worried look on his face.

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