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I opened my eyes and rubbed my head. It hurt. I looked down. I was lying on a bed of golden flowers. I looked up. Oh yeah. I had fallen. I was climbing the mountain when I fell. Then I remembered something important. What was it...? Oh yeah! I wasn't alone. Yet there seemed to be something else. I just shrugged it off.

I looked around and saw Frisk lying a little further away on the same flowers. They must have broken our fall. I walked over to Frisk and shook them.

"Hey Frisk... You okay?" I asked worriedly. They groaned and opened their eyes.

"What happened?" They asked in their quiet voice.

"We fell, remember?"

They nodded and I helped them up. We walked through a door and saw a golden flower sitting by itself in the middle. Frisk and I walked over to it, hand in hand. I crouched down and looked at it. It was bent down but as soon as I extended my hand to touch it, it popped up. I gasped and backed away a little.

"Howdy I'm flo... Wha... There's two of you this time?" It seemed confused and irritated. I looked at Frisk who simply shrugged.

"Sorry... We have no idea what you're talking about..." I informed the talking flower. It smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry about it. As I was saying, I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower." 'Flowey' said. I smiled nervously.

"Erm right. Well we'll just be going then." I told the flower. It's face changed for a split second before it smiled again.

"Golly, but you must be confused. Allow me to sh-" I cut Flowey off.

"No thanks we'll leave now." I stated and started to leave with Frisk but two hearts appeared in a large box in front of us. One was red and the other was (F/C).

"You idiot." Flowey said in a demonic voice as its face changed to a terrifying smile.

Suddenly, white bullets surrounded the hearts and I knew this was bad. Suddenly, a fireball came and knocked the flower away and the white bullets disappeared. A goat like woman in a purple dress came up to us.

"Such a vile creature torturing such poor innocent souls. I am Toriel keeper of the Ruins." She told us kindly. I looked at Frisk who looked happy to see her. As if Toriel was an old friend.

Toriel led us through the ruins and eventually left to do something. I, being impatient and curious, decided to go through the rest of the ruins. Frisk helped me with some of the puzzles. We befriended some monsters who explained to us how souls, LoVE, and Battles worked. We even got some G from them.

Eventually, we found Toriels house and was greeted with the scent of Cinnamon-Butterscotch pie. Toriel told us that the pie had to cool so I took a nap with Frisk.

Frisk woke me up and dragged me to the living room. They had their small backpack on but it looked like it had something in it.

"Ah, you two are awake. Um... Am I right to assume that you two are siblings?" Toriel asked and I nodded proudly. Frisk smiled.

"Should I read you a book about snails?" Toriel asked but Frisk piled on her sleeve.

"How do we leave?"

The motherly goat woman stuttered and read off a snail fact. But Frisk was persistent, they have always been full of determination.

"How do we exit the ruins?"

"I m-must do something." Toriel said and walked away. Frisk and I followed of course.


We had beaten Toriel. We hadn't literally beaten her but she let us leave the ruins.

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