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(Y/N)'s POV

I was in the kitchen with Papyrus making spaghetti with him and making sure he wasn't putting any glitter in it. Frisk was hanging out with Undyne and Alphys while Sans was probably asleep at one of his jobs.

"Uh... Don't put that in there." I told Papyrus and took the bottle of glitter from his hands.

"WHY NOT?" Papyrus asked, a little disappointed.

"It's not exactly edible." I said and Papyrus and I continued cooking. I was cutting up some olives when Chara started talking.

"Ugh. Just cut his head off already. I'm bored. You've been hanging around the Underground doing nothing useful or destructive for a week." Chara complained as they sat on the counter, watching me with an annoyed expression.

"No." I said quietly, so that Papyrus wouldn't hear me.

"Just take that knife and kill somebody." Chara urged me. I put the knife down and glared at them.

Chara I meant it when I said that I wasn't going to kill anyone. You're not going to get control over me so you may as well let me leave the game. I told Chara mentally and tried to get my irritation under control. I was short-tempered and didn't want it to turn into anger.

"And have you delete the files? Of course, you're probably too stupid to even do that. Putting the icon in the recycling bin doesn't delete the game, idiot. Just the shortcut." Chara explained to me. I huffed as my face went red in embarrassment.

I wasn't thinking straight, okay?

"Sure." Chara said, obviously not convinced.

"(Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?" Papyrus asked as he noticed that I wasn't doing anything.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I said as I finished cutting everything. I handed the bowl of now cut up olives to Papyrus.

"You finish up the spaghetti, okay? I'm going to take a nap on the couch." I told him.

"YOU'RE ALMOST AS LAZY AS SANS." Papyrus whined. I laughed and lay down on the couch. I fell asleep to the sounds of Papyrus cooking spaghetti.


I walked down the hallway with a smile on my face. I stopped as a figure came into view. My smile widened as I tightened the grip on my knife and stepped forward. The skeleton's left eye had a bright blue flame in his eye and he was wearing a red scarf along with his blue hoodie. His eyes were full of hatred.

We had done this before. We had done this a million times.

You're going to have a bad time... Dirty brother killer.

Then the battle started. I lunged at him over and over again and he attacked me. I dodged all of his attacks expertly. He summoned his Gaster Blasters and they shot rays of light at me. I dodged them too. Soon, the short skeleton grew tired.

I walked forward with my wide smile plastered on my face. I looked down at Sans, who had no hope left in his eyes. All the anger and hatred from before had died out.

As I was within a foot of him, I stopped. There was something in my mind telling me no. Something that told me that what I was doing was wrong. I didn't have to kill anyone. Especially not him. I felt something for him? No. I needed to kill him. I lunged forward and slashed my knife across his chest.


I jolted awake with a startled cry. I was breathing heavily and found it hard to control my emotions. A few seconds later, I was a little more calm, but I was still crying. I was in Sans and Papyrus' house but it was dark. It must be night. Frisk stirred on the other side, but went back into a deep sleep a moment later. Then I heard a door open on the second floor and footsteps came down the stairs. It seemed that there was someone else who wasn't such a heavy sleeper.

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