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I heard someone scream it sounded far away, but I think it was me. I felt something tugging on my soul, trying to pull it away from me but I fought it off. I was in a state of panic, but I didn't want to let anything have my soul. Something told me that it would be a very bad idea to stop fighting, but all I could really think about was the skeleton brothers. They were terrifying and unfamiliar.

I felt something shaking me, and my mind still being on the evil skeletons killing me and the glee in their eyes, I flinched. My eyes finally opened and I saw a worried skeleton sitting in front of me. Automatically, my mind replaced his face with that of his other self. I backed away frantically until my back hit a wall.

"Nonono don't kill me. Not again. Don't kill me. Give me back my Sans." I yelled frantically as I shut my eyes. Again, I felt something tugging on my soul.

Why should I fight it? I thought hopelessly.

"(Y/N) listen to me, it was just a nightmare. Don't give up. Calm down, okay? It's me. Look at me, I'm right here." A voice soothed and I reluctantly looked up. It was just Sans. My Sans. I sighed in relief and hugged Sans. He patted my back.

Heh... Just one more night. You have no determination left. Tomorrow I'll have complete control over your soul. Chara sneered. I shivered and Sans' arms tightened around me and I relaxed. He was a little cold, but it was strangely comforting. After I had calmed down he sat with me on his bed.

"What happened? I don't think you're nightmares have been that bad for awhile. You're magic was going haywire." Sans said. I looked down.

"It seems you have a twin." I said bitterly. He looked at me in confusion.

"I-It was some sort of alternate u-universe. I only m-met you, Papyrus, and Flowey, but Flowey was a terrified little thing and you and P-paps..." My voice broke and I closed my eyes for a moment before continuing.

"You were wearing a black jacket and you had sharp teeth and Papyrus looked just as bad. You found me and showed me to Papyrus before you both killed me... Y-you enjoyed it." I finished explaining and looked at Sans. He was staring at me with a serious expression that looked strange on him.

"Well, that sure as hell wasn't me or Papyrus. Just sick imitations that Chara is trying to use to make you lose control. I'm here, okay?" He said and I nodded.

"Guess going to sleep at different times doesn't change anything." Sans murmured after a long moment of silence. He lay down next to me and I felt heat rise to my face. (No lemons. Just saying that now, I can't write that stuff XD)

"Good night, (Y/N)." Sans said before bopping his teeth on my forehead, as a skeletal kiss, and turning over. I felt my blush deepen.

"Night Sans." I replied.

•~• •~• •~•
Hey guys. So sorry about the length. It's only 520 ish words and that sucks, but I've been having terrible writers block. This chapter (if you can call it that) took me an hour and a half over four days.

I'll try to update again today or tomorrow but I'm still kinda stuck. Not sure how to get to the ending. I've kinda been winging it with his book XD
So uh yeah. Sorry.
*Squeals* So, in celebration, I have a bonus thing for you. (This isn't part of the story but someone told me this pun and I wanted to create a one-shot thing for it)
•~• •~• •~•

Bonus One-Shot

You and Sans had decided to walk around Waterfall and you two had come across some echo flowers. You smiled as you admired they're beauty.

They're just flowers. What's the big deal? Can't we keep going? Chara whined. They had stopped trying to make you murder everyone after they realized that they couldn't actually make you do anything without you wanting to. However, you decided to sort of share your body with Chara, so now if they wanted to, they could take control of your body. Of course, you could easily take back control, so you never worried.

"They're pretty." You told Chara. Sans chuckled.

"Chara, doesn't like the flowers?" He guessed and you nod.

"I don't like anyone." Chara said as they took control. Sans smirked.

"So you don't Chara bout anyone? You don't even Chara bout Asriel? I think-" Chara cut Sans off by kicking him. I took control again and clutched my sides in laughter.

"Oh my god... Sans... Are you okay?" I asked, still laughing.

"I'm fine." He said, laughing as well.

It's not funny. Chara pouted. I shrugged and helped Sans up and we continued walking through Waterfall.

•~• •~• •~•
Okay, so again, that bonus thing with the pun wasn't part of the actual story. But yeah. Okay I'll go now and write chapter Thirteen.

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