☆Chapter X☆

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You think Sans is trying to make it clear that he was and still is rather uncomfortable with you around, he dropped little hints like disappearing whenever you look away or going out excusing that he had to do a patrol whenever you enter the room; you were sure it was his idea if what humans really are or maybe he threw you a surprise birthday party and invited all your awesome friends and family!

If they were alive!

You being the curious person you are made sure to keep him around as much as you can just for a reaction. When ever he was present you'd just stare at him with a blank face until he starts getting awkward and walk out well at first he did that now? He'd stare back at you with the look you had with his, but on somedays he'd tell you politely to cut him some slack and walk away; you were very amused with this experiment of yours that you'd find yourself doing it without even realizing.

"Kid come on, we've been at this for like a week now." He whined while face planted on the couch.

You kep't quiet and leaned furthur onto your doorway making sure that your eyes never leave his form.


"Stop.. You're making me uncomfortable with all that staring..!"

You smiled at your useless achivement.

"Kid I'm warning ya."

"You're gonna have a bad time if ya don't stop that."

You laughed him off and strided towards him. "Alright, alright Sans," You sat on the armrest of the couch and patted his cranium like a dog. "I'll stop." He sighs and buried his face onto couch even more. "For now." He gives off a much exaggerated sigh.

"For the love of god please just spare me my misery..!"

"He says: No."

"Ugh. Why do you even do that?" He flips his position and looks up at you.

"I dunno, maybe it's cause you've been acting like I'm the black death or something." You shrugged.

"What's a black death? No wait, I don't do whatever that thing is." Sans crossed his arms obove his chest.

"First of all; black death is a horrible disease that humans caught 1758 I think.. and second; yes you do." You smirked at him.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"I said no I don't."

"Yes yo-" You found yourself pushed against the wall by Sans, you could feel his fingers dig into your shoulder blades roughly.

"I said; N O I D O N ' T." He says in a deep growling kind of voice which made you quiver in fear. "Now repeat what I said."

"What I said." You parroted despite of your brain sending out multiple red flags.

To your surprise he quickly lets you go and laughs whole-heartedly. "Nice one kiddo, I really walked into that one didn't I?" He walks away chuckling before stopping midstep. "And by the way, I didn't mean to do those things, you just caught me in the wrong time and moment. Don't worry though, I'll make sure to make it up to you the best I can." He shot double pistols at you, winking and walking away leaving you still leaning on the wall with with a horrified expression on your face.

You are still questioning how he got up so fast and how did he do that without seeing him infront of you.

[[a/n; holy sans on a bicycle! 560+ reads and 67 votes?! Thank you so much! This story was just honestly me trying to wing it but still, didn't expect this much! Again thank you so much guys! I love each and every single one of you! ♡♡]]

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