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*Next day*

"morning sleeping beauty." Justin joked "umm hey.." I said nervously "did you have fun with Ryan at the mall?" He asked me "umm yeah it was" I stumbled " oh good so i have this day off so i was thinking if you wanna go to the beach ima invite Ryan ,Chaz, and Fredo is that okay."

"um Yeah.."

" k cool ima call them you should get dressed."

"yeah i brought a biki yesterday ." I told him

"haha i bet you'll look sexy as fuck!" He said in a seductive voice

I giggled and went to the bathroom a pulled out a purple biki from one on the shopping bags i put it on and looked in the mirror i looked good except for the little baby bump that was growing it wasn't that noticeable but i put a baggy shirt on top just in case. I went down stairs were Justin was already ready so we headed out to the beach where we were going to all meet up the beach was empty cause Justin rented out for 2 hours so we could have enough time for our selfs without fans or paparazzi.

After a while Alfredo,Chaz,and Ryan were here i tried ignoring Ryan pretending the kiss never happened but it did happen!

"hey race you to the water!" Justin giggled at me "umm no thanks."

"ohh come on." he pouted


"one thing only however loses has to kiss the winner." Justin said

"alright get ready to lose." I said standing up

" In your dreams." He said all cooky

"Oh whatever." I rolled my eyes

"okay ready? Set and GO!" He yelled

We started running Justin was in the lead until he tripped and feel which was hilarious! And i bet him! "DO OVER I FELL!!" He whined " HAHA NO I WON!!" I bragged he rolled his eyes and came closer to me and picked me up he started spinning me around "JUSTIN!! PUT ME DOWN!" I laughed he put me down carefully and placed a kiss on my cheek and walked away i just giggled we went back with ryan ,chaz, and fredo. My phone started vibrating i pulled it out of my purse it was a twitter mention


Justin bieber's girlfriend cheating on him with Justin friend (Ryan butler)?

Then there was a picture on the bottom of us kissing which must have been taken by paparazzi yesterday FUCK!! If Justin sees this i don't know what will happen!! But it wont be pretty that's for sure

After a while we all left for Justin's house the guilt was killing me Justin knew something was wrong cause he keep asking me what was wrong and i just lied and told him i was tired well i really was tired "um Justin ima take a nap." I told Justin who was playing COD "umm yeah okay."


"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Justin's yelling woke me up i bet he just lost or something " I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND AND YOU GO AROUND KISSING MY FUCKEN GIRLFRIEND HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" Justin yelled Shit i bet he saw the tweet i quickly went down stairs and saw ryan on the floor all bloody and Justin being held back by Alfredo and chaz and he looked mad a FUCK! "Justin?" I called out he looked at me his eyes were all watery " how could you? I thought you loved me?" He lowered his voice i could feel tears threatening to slip out "j-justin i-i... do."

"then why would you?WHY?!" He yelled

"I-i don't know?" I cried

" I kissed her she didn't kiss me." Ryan defend me

"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" He yelled the punched Ryan in the face

"JUSTIN STOP!!" I yelled

he stopped and looked at me "Were through." He said and walked away i couldn't hold it back my tears came out my mascara looked like i blob " shh its okay he'll come around don't worry." Alfredo comfort me, chaz picked Ryan from the floor a laid him on the couch i got the first aid kit a healed his wound.

*Justin's POV*

Why would she do that? I loved NO i love her. I love her... And i just dumped her. It was a mistake my mouth was moving faster then my brain. I quickly ran down stairs looking for her but nobody was there only the first aid kit and that's all i just blew my chances she's probably cuddling with Ryan right this moment. The though of that made blood pump threw my viens angry rushed up me i threw my fist at the wall which made a hole and my fist all bloody i could take it i broke down.

*Scarlett's POV*

I stayed at a hotel near Justin's house all i did was lay on the bed cry watch the news cry more go on twitter cry even more my life was ruin. Every one hates me. Im going to be a single mom. Im a slut.what can get any worse oh yeah i cheated on the man i loved.

*1 week later*

I turned on the t.v and the Ellen show was on

Ellen: Hello hello everyone today we have my special friend, best friend please welcome JUSTIN BIEBER everyone."


Justin: hey guys glad to be here.

Ellen: so Justin how have you been?

Justin: holding on and you

Ellen: great so can we get down to business?

Justin: yeah yeah

Ellen: can I ask you a very serious question?

Justin: yeah sure

Ellen : okay, i remember the last time you were here you were heads over heals in love with Scarlett isn't that true?

Justin: um yeah..

Ellen: and she is or was your girlfriend? Right

Justin: *Shakes head*

Ellen: well there's been some interesting photos mind if i show them?

Justin: can you not?

Ellen: oh yeah yeah of course sorry? But do you mind if i ask if your still together?

Justin: (cracky voice) um no..

Ellen: oh im so sorry

I turned of the t.v and cried into my pillow.

*Justin's POV*

After the show i just broke down into tears i haven't talked to anyone but scooter whos been yelling me to get on track every M&G my smile has been fading away and my fans have started noticing. pulled my self back together i pulled out my phone and dialed Fredo. * Phone convo *

Alfredo: Hey Justin?

Me: hi..

Alfredo: how are you?

Me: okay by the way do you know where Scarlett is?"


Ohh drama!!

Team Justin or team Ryan?

Should they get back together?

Will he forgive her?

Aghh so wad u think crazy chapter huh?

Long chapter huh?

K bye bye






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