New Life

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"You got everything ready?" Justin called out "umm yep! Are we you ready?" I asked "yep LEGOOO!!" He yelled


"Finally! Were here! And by the way your house is amazing!" I cried out his house was HUGE! It had 7 rooms 6 bathroom a huge living room,kitchen, private theater and a giant pool! "You like the house?" Justin asked opening the refrigerator door and pulling out a jar of orange juice "yes! Its amazing!" I squealed "Good cause it's your house to." He said with a huge smile "But-" he cut me off "No its your house too okay?" He said poring juice into to cups."*smile* okay fine.."

"want some?" He asked holding a glass of of orange juice in the air

"Yeah Sure."

He handed it to me then his phone started buzzing he took out his phone "umm is it okay if some of my friends hang out for a while?"

"Why're you asking me?"

"cause there all guys." He said raising an eyebrow.

"so you dont think i can blend in with guys?"

"Umm no not really." He teased

"Oh shut up.." I playfully rolled my eyes

"So can they?"

"I dont know if you want?"

"Ok coo!" A smiled spread across his face.

* 20 minutes later *

we sat on the couch while justin played black ops and i checked my instagram "Ding-dong!" The door bell rang but Justin was to busy focused of his game to notice "I'll guess I'll get it." I stood up and opened the door to see 3 guys "here's my number." 1 of the guys handed me a small piece of paper "Back off ry shes mine." Another guy said "fuck off she woulf prefer me." Another guys said "Fuck off all ya she's mine." Justin said grabbing me from the waist a planting a kiss on my cheek. "Scarlett this are Chaz, Ryan, and Alfredo. Guys this is my girlfriend Scarlett."Justin introduced us we all shook hand then Ryan said "Hey if you and Justin don't work out im single *wink*" "Fuck you." Justin said punching his arm playfully "your right I'd fuck me too." Ryan said laughing "Ugh shut up." Justin said rolling his eyes "hey wanna play black ops guys?" Justin asked "Fuck yeah!" They all said "Babe wanna play we'll go easy on you."he winked at me "You dont have to go easy on me but dont cry to much when i win." I teased "Oh bring it on!" He gave us all a control and started the game round 1 just was in the lead i was second , ryan was third , Alfredo was fourth,and chaz was last. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST KILLED ME NOW YOUR FIRST!!" Justin yelled "Haha i told you not to cry to much."I teased the game was over i was first place Justin was second,Ryan third and etc..

* Ryan's POV *

We finished the game got some dinner and we all went to sleep we all took a guest room except Scarlett and Justin who shared one to be honest im kinda jealous i like alot and Justin gets her he always gets the girls he could have millions and millions of other girl but he choses this one i think i might love her i know we just met but it was love at first sight. It sounds stupid but its true.

* 1 week later *

Its been a week me and Scarlett have gotten close I've learned more about her o come over almost every day but we really never have time alone cause Justin is always here with Chaz, Alfredo or both.

*Scarlett POV*

"So how'd you and Justin meet?" Ryan asked "umm well at school i was the new girl and yeah my turn what was your longest relation ship?" I asked him "2 minutes." He said giggling "Oh my god really?" I asked shocked "No i was just kidding it was 11 months and she cheated on me but oh well life goes on." He smiled "Hey babe scooter sent me a text saying i have a interview, rehearsals,meetings and a concert so ima be gone all day."he did a puppy dog face "I'll miss you." I told him "me too maybe Ryan can take you shopping or something."

"Oh my god yess Ryan will you take me?" I said smiling

"ehhh...." He thought

"Ryan? Please!!!" I begged

"ughhh fine you better not make me go into girly store and shit like that."

"Well to bad suck it up and be a man." I said laughing

"She's right." Justin agreed

* Next day *

I woke up without Justin by my side I looked at the clock crap 10:33am Ryan probably was bored as fuck. I changed and ran down stairs but iy was empty so i went into the guest room were he's staying in i opened the door and found him passed out i got on top of the bed where he was at and started jumping on the bed yelling "WAKIE WAKIE SLEEPY HEAD GET YO LAZY ASS UP!!" "ughh why so early?"he said in a cute sleepy voice " Its 10 in the morning it late we need to go to the mall remember?" I told him "K go down stair ima change unless you wanna stay and watch." He joked "In your dreams.."

I waited down stairs for Ryan while he was doing what ever up stairs finally he came down stairs "you ready?" I asked "yep legooo!"


Hey sorry for the late update ive been busy so haven't had time so tell me wat u think...

Btw Drama on the way!

Team Justin or Ryan?

Remember to





Bye!! Cya guys love u guy alot!

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