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Chapter 6
I had a dreamless sleep and woke up feeling unusually refreshed on Sunday morning. Looking at the time I realized I would probably be the only one up at 6:15. I knew once I was awake there was no nodding back off and so I decided to cook breakfast for when everyone woke up.
I loved to cook when it was what I desired to do and not what somebody was forcing me to do; cooking meals for Stephen and Derek had made me quite the little chef and was the only thing I was actually proud of about myself.
Looking in the overstocked cupboards and fridge I decided on pancakes, cinnamon buns with bacon and eggs.
Before I knew it, an hour had passed and everything was prepared and cooked, the door opened and Lucas walked in rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He stopped short, seeing me finish setting the last plate on the table.
"Morning," I greeted him politely; staring at a spot on the wall and making sure my gaze didn't trail over his bare chest. Did everybody walk around without tops on in this house? When Jamie followed in after his brother looking identically half naked I figured the answer was yes.
"Whoa," Jamie bumped into the back of Lucas when he saw the table. "Did you do all this?"
"Was I not allowed?" I asked panicked, I didn't know if there was a rule about who cooked breakfast.
"No, it's- it just looks great and smells amazing, what are those things?" he pointed to my cinnamon buns and I blushed a little in pride.
"Th-they're my cinnamon buns, you can have one." I moved the plate full of my special treats towards the twins and they both grabbed one each. My cheeks warmed further when they both made similar groans of approval with the first bite.
"Oh my stars," Lucas moaned "they are amaze-balls." He went to grab another but I swiftly moved the plate out of his reach. Puppy dog eyes greeted me but I stood my ground.
"You can have more when everyone is here. They'll be none left, if you're as big a pig as you were when we were little." I smiled warmly.
"Have you seen my body? Do I look like I pig out?"
He had a point; with his toned chest and defined lines leading down into his gray sweatpants it was clear he didn't laze around all day eating junk food. I diverted my eyes quickly and busied myself with making sure everything was set up properly.
More bodies walked into the kitchen and after their initial shock and my repeated explanation, everybody sat down and silence ensued. Light moans of appreciation flittered around the quiet table and I grinned to myself.
"That was gorgeous Alex, you really didn't have to but it was lovely that you wanted to." Sandra smiled brightly at me in pleasure; I could see her beaming inside that I was settling in alright.
"Well they never praise my food this well, and I can't remember the last time this table was quiet so you have my gratitude Alex, the food was delicious." Karl added and I bent my head lower in embarrassment. As nice as it was to hear the compliments it just didn't sit well with me; I wasn't used to them.
"Will you make me these bums everyday Alex"' Ben asked and everybody laughed when they heard him say bums instead of buns. I admit to chuckling lightly at his cuteness.
"Maybe not everyday sport, you'll get fat." Aiden ruffled his little brother's hair and grinned at me. I looked down at the table once again and then stood up preparing to do the washing up.
"Oh no, sit back down," Karl shook his head at me "You will most definitely not be washing up after all that. Jamie, Carla, your turn."
"You can watch Sponge-bob with me Alex!" Ben jumped out of his chair and ran around to me, his eyes widened and his lip pouted out in an almost uncanny impression of what I'd seen his older brother do earlier that morning.

Charmed Life.
RomanceAlexandra is finally free from the abuse she's had to endure from her stepfather and his best friend. Now she's living with The Spencer's, but it's not so easy to adjust to her new charmed life. ...