Chapter Seventeen.

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It was loud.

That was my first though as we entered the house.

Loud... and crowded. I followed closely behind Kim and Anna as they bobbed and weaved between people quickly greeting those they knew and ignoring those they didn't.

A hand on my shoulder jolted my from my mission to stay as close to my friends as possible but as I whipped around I was face to chest with Lucas, Anna looked back to see if I was still with them before noticing who had me. She mouthed kitchen and motioned drinking to me which I nodded to let her know I understood.

"Hey you made it, and might I say you look amazing." Lucas' eyes took a swift gaze over my outfit stopping quickly at my chest before lifting up to reach my eyes, I was impressed with his strength to not linger. That must have been difficult for him but I was grateful as it eased my worry that maybe they weren't as out there as they I though they were.

"Thanks." I blushed regardless. Any compliment was going to embarrass me.

"Let's get you a drink and find my brothers." His hands were on my waist leading me towards a room I assumed was the kitchen. The house had lived up to its 'massive' status, but somehow still seemed to be full to the brim.

When we reached the kitchen I turned around only to notice Lucas' eyes were glued to my backside. Lifting them up to my burning face he laughed, embarrassed at being caught.

"Sorry, you're usually not wearing clothes like this. I was surprised that's all," as if that was explanation enough he moved us to a counter full of bottles and cups.

"What do you want? Heavy or light?" Upon seeing my confused expression he continued "Do you want to drink tonight or stay sober?"


"No worries. Let's get you a coke, Jamie's not drinking either as he's driving this time, but Sam is and so am I. But we never go overboard and we'll be even less inclined because we'll be watching out for you." I suddenly felt guilty. They couldn't have a good time because they were looking after me... I'd ruined the party for them.

"You don't have to watch me. I'm not a baby. Drink all you want." I insisted but Lucas chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't sweat it, were not, not drinking - double negative I know - so don't feel bad. It's not just for you, we never want to get obliterated anyway-" he's interrupted by his younger brother who's sipping from a red cup.

"Alex... hey..." his eyes are finding it a bit more difficult to stay on my face making me shuffle awkwardly from one foot to the other.

Shaking his head "You want a drink... oh you've got one. Never mind." he stops as if trying to think of something to say next and Lucas watches on in amusement.

"Told you." He coughs out over a fist so I can barely hear him. It wasn't meant for me anyway. My mind goes back to the conversation I overheard on my first day. When he made a joke out of Sam not being able to talk to me like a normal person because I was "hot" now.

Just like when I walked in on him coming out of the bathroom this sudden urge to protect and ease him came over me.

"What are you drinking?" I ask to start a discussion.

"Whiskey and coke, want to try it?" He goes to hand the drink over but I pull a face.

"I hate whiskey, it taste disgusting." I say truthfully. Derrick would drink it and if we were alone just the two of us he'd make me a glass and tell me I had to drink with him while he had me sit on the couch beside him playing pretend and watching a movie.

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