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The next time I'd seen Mike after he'd shot Gregory and told me he'd be seeing me again was months later. I had already passed his words off as an idle threat that would never come to reality and had all but forgotten him - bar the nightmares where I saw him order Greg to be shot.
I'd already had my punishment off Derek and Stephen - even though I'd lied and said that as I'd walked up towards the Potts' resistance the police were already there so I carried on back home and nobody saw me.
They'd never know I'd been there when he died and I wasn't going to tell them.
"Alex, get in here I want you to meet someone." I heard Derek shout and shut my book following his voice into the lounge.
Derek was sat with his back to me but I had a full frontal view of the visitor and almost didn't hold my shocked gasp in.
Mike was in my house. Talking to Derek... had he told him we'd met, told him how we'd met?
"Is this your daughter?" Mike questioned moving towards me. Derek stood up and turned to me.
"Yes, princess this is Mike Stone, Mike this is Alexandra," I noticed how Mikes eyes narrowed slightly at Dereks use of princess but banked that in my mind for later.
"It's nice to meet you." I whispered out, knowing how I was supposed to act in front of strangers.
Mike held his hand out and I had no choice but to place mine in his much larger one, expecting a handshake, the kiss surprised me.
"The pleasure is all mine sweetheart." He smiled down at me.
"Get us two beers Alex" Derek commanded and I pulled my hand from Mikes grasp to do as I was told. When I returned I overheard them discussing money and times that suited everyone.
"Oh... well on Wednesday I won't be here until 6 at the earliest ... but Alex will be here so you could have someone drop it off and she can give them the money. Or I can come to you after work and -"
"Here is fine," Mike interrupted. "I'll personally bring you your first batch and make sure it all goes smoothly. I'm sure your daughter will be most accommodating."
"Oh she definitely will." Derek promised unaware as to how exactly Mike meant his words, I was unsure if he'd care either way though. Maybe they'll decide I'm a fairer trade than money soon enough.
Wednesday obviously came around faster than normal and I knew neither Derek nor Stephen would be home for hours. I had the envelope of money ready to quickly exchange at the door so Mike wouldn't have to come in but I knew it'd never be that easy.
"Let me in sweetheart, I don't do deals in hallways for people to happen across."
"There's only us on this floor." I reassured. It was a three floored block of apartments but each floor was one whole apartment, (ours being the top one actually had two levels which the other floors didn't) but we didn't have neighbours, just an empty apartment below us and an occupied one below that. (An elderly couple that kept to themselves) No one could hear or see what was going on in this apartment, which worked well for Derek and Stephen when they were hurting me and I couldn't keep my cries in.
Mikes face hardened quickly before falling back to his usual smirk "Derek promised you'd be accommodating, so be a good girl and move aside."
I open the door fully and allow him to stride past me before closing the door. Mike walks to the sofa and sits down like he owns the place.
Remembering my rules "Would you like a drink?" I ask in forced politeness.
"Sure honey, a beer will do." That was all he was going to be getting anyway because I didn't know where Derek kept his whiskey and Stephen hid his alcohol in his room.

Charmed Life.
RomanceAlexandra is finally free from the abuse she's had to endure from her stepfather and his best friend. Now she's living with The Spencer's, but it's not so easy to adjust to her new charmed life. ...