Chapter Eight.

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"Erm, my... my stepdad got a... new job, and I couldn't stay with him anymore, so I m-moved in with the Spen-Spencer's." it wasn't a complete lie. I'm sure they make you work in prison, and I couldn't stay with him anymore... so, it's half a truth... and I was okay with that.

"Hold up, did you just say 'the Spencer's'?! Are you serious! You live with the Spencer's?" Kim had screeched to a stop, her hand went around my arm to halt me and it took all my energy to not rip it from her grip. Old habits.

"You know them?" I asked, moving from her grasp slowly. Obviously she must have known them to be that shocked, but they weren't celebrities, and I was glad the conversation hadn't centred on the stepdad/ new job section.

"Do I know them," she scoffed "Everybody knows them, they're like celebrities around here." I internally laughed at her choice of words.

"I knew them when I was a kid," I explained quietly, trying to get her to start moving again. I didn't want to be late for Art.

"I can't wait to tell Anna, she's going to flip her shit, she's like, in love with Sam Spencer," she paused a moment "Have you seen them naked? Or at least getting out of the shower?"

"Nope." I lied. I didn't think she'd be able to handle me seeing Sam fresh out of the shower, and I didn't want to embarrass him if word got out.

"Shame. Oh!" She grinned "We are so having sleepovers at your place." Laughing to herself we carried on through the corridor, stopping at an open door that I could already see Anna in... and to my surprise; Sam.

Speak of the devil.

I followed Kim inside and she took me over to the main desk where a pretty, petite Asian woman was sat, she looked up and smiled warmly at me.

"You must be Alexandra," I nodded "welcome to Art, I'm Phoebe Okubu, you can just call me Phoebe, and we're working on charcoal pieces at the moment, so for today could you just draw me anything you want in charcoal so I can get a feel for where you are in the group. Looks like Kim's looking after you, so you can sit on her table if you'd like." She smiled again.

"I'll sit with Kim. Thanks." She didn't know it, but I was thanking her for not even bringing up the 'introduce yourself' to everyone bit. I was liking this school more and more with every passing minute.

I followed Kim to a table that sat Anna, and a boy I didn't know;

"Alex, this is Kyle, and Kyle this is Alex, now that's over with I have the most amazing, fantastic, ginormous news you've ever heard!" Kim was practically dancing with excitement.

"How's that possible, I left you like 5 minutes ago, how have you acquired this amazing, fantastic, ginormous news?." Anna questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Because my curious friend, I happened to walk at a normal pace with our new pal Alex, and you raced off like always, therefore I have information you don't and trust me, you're going to die when you hear it."

"I don't race. I just don't like being late to things... Well go on then, tell me this news that's worth dying over."

"Alex here," Kim pointed to me unnecessarily "just so happens to live with none other than Sam Spencer, his brothers included obviously, but I figured that name would stand out more for you."

It took Anna a minute to digest the information given to her, and then she let out an almighty screech.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?"

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