© All rights reserved. LittleThingsInLifeChapter 7
Baggy jeans..? - Check.
Black hooded jacket..? – Check.
Hair down for maximum coverage..? – Check.
I was as ready as I'd ever be when I stepped into the kitchen the morning after. Sunday night had gone by too fast, as it usually did when you don't want it to.
"Morning Ally." Aiden was the first to speak to me and I smiled in greeting; we'd starting casually talking last night after dinner about unimportant nonsense and the tension soon disappeared over the laughter.
When my eyes met him I couldn't help but stare just a little longer than I would have liked to admit. He looked perfect; smart black pants coupled with a gray shirt and a darker gray almost black vest over the top. He'd pushed the sleeves of his shirt up half way and his forearm muscles tensed with every sip of his coffee or move of the morning paper. His hair had been styled to look professional without looking douche-y at the same time and I had to say he'd perfected it.
He looked...
I coughed awkwardly and looked towards the rest of the family still around; Sandra and Karl had gone to work and Marge had taken Ben and Taylor to play group.
"Just pass me the jam, dick." Lucas glared sleepily – clearly not a morning person - at Jamie – clearly enjoying annoying his twin brother.
"What's it worth to you?" Jamie teased holding the jam high above his head, Carla swooped in and grabbed the jar out of his outstretched hand and passed it to Lucas who grunted in thanks.
"You're such an idiot Jay-Jay, no one is in the mood for your immaturity this early in the morning." she scolded her older brother.
Nathan was sat next to Sam and they both had an ear bud each listening to music on Sam's phone.
"They're good right?" Sam turned to Nay who nodded before going back to listening.
"Right guys, let's move out," Aiden ordered "Alex you can ride me today," silence. "I mean ride the car... in the car that is with me, and Carla and Nathan will be there as well." his expression read 'what the hell did I just say, I'm a moron' crystal clear and nobody spoke a word for a minute before loud laughter erupted.
"What the ... Have you gone full retard Aiden?" Lucas snorted out between full blown puffs of laugher.
"Never go full retard." Sam finished for his brother, quoting the movie Tropic Thunder.
"Alright calm down, it was an accident. It's early," Aiden defended only slightly pink in the face. "Now let's go."
Still chuckling away everybody followed him and I grabbed an apple before taking up the end of the line.
"See you at school Alex," Jamie shouted out of his rolled down car window, Lucas nodded to me finishing off his toast and Sam gave me a small smile.
"I'd say we'll race you but the way Aidy drives it's clear who the winners would be. Us." they pelted out of the drive way and left us to shake our heads at their idiocy.
We all climbed in the car, the twins jumped in the back so I was left with the space in front sat next to Aiden.
Music automatically came on when he started the engine; it was cheap trick - I want you to want me. I leaned my head into the headrest and smiled, this was a good song.
"Are you smirking at my choice in music?" I looked the side to see Aiden raising an eyebrow at me.
"No," I answered "cheap trick are great. Your music is just fine"

Charmed Life.
RomanceAlexandra is finally free from the abuse she's had to endure from her stepfather and his best friend. Now she's living with The Spencer's, but it's not so easy to adjust to her new charmed life. ...