© All rights reserved. LittleThingsInLife
Chapter Twenty six.
I waved at the girls and Cameron once he'd dropped me off at the door, I watched them reverse back out of the driveway and waited a minute more just because I somehow still wasn't ready to go into the house and deal with everything.
Breathing deeply I schooled my expression and walked inside.
They were all stood in the hallway.
I wanted to bolt again, they must have heard the car pull up and got ready to greet me, either that or they'd been standing there for hours.
Taylor and Ben weren't present and neither was Kelly, but Aiden stood tallest at the back, along with the rest of the family, I didn't look him in the eye. I didn't look any of them in the eye. I kept my sights downwards scuffing my shoes on the floor.
"Oh Alex, I'm so glad you're back." Sandra was the first to say, the relief was palpable and it made me feel even worse for reacting the way I had.
I forced myself to look upwards and take in all of their faces, each of them looked part relieved, part concerned.
"I'm sorry." I started, voice so quiet they all had to inch closer to hear me. "I'm sorry that I ran. It- it was childish, I - you, I wasn't used to- to that kind of reaction when I'd done something wr-wrong. I just - needed to get out - but I kn-know I sho-shouldn't have."
"Alex, we were just worried when we couldn't find you. You're apart of the family and we took you in without thinking you might not automatically fall into the same routine as us or know how we deal with issues. We never should have pressured you into fixing what happened between you and Lucas, without checking if you would be comfortable with us all there. It's just how we've always solved family problems." Karl spoke soft but firm, willing me to believe his every word.
"I know. I'm sorry." I said directly to him.
"It's okay, just, don't scare us like that again, okay?" He smiled kindly at me and I was able to return a small one.
Lucas moved out of the family group they'd created and walked towards me. I stood firm and didn't step backwards when he was almost chest to chest with me. I knew, just by looking at him he wouldn't hurt me.
His arms came around me and pulled me into his embrace, his chin landed softly on my head and he waiting patiently for me to wrap my arms back around him.
"I'm sorry Alleycat," he whispered to me. "Say you'll forgive me, I promise I won't act like a dick to you ever again."
I couldn't help the chuckle that shook out of me. I wanted to cry in relief but I contained myself. It was a lot easier to believe and accept his apologies now, especially when it felt like it was just the two of us.
"Can you really keep that promise, you'd have to ch-change your entire personality." I said into his chest, feeling him laugh against me soothed me more than I thought it would, my heart calmed and I felt at peace with him.
"I'll let that slide this time Alleycat," he chuckled before I felt him kiss the top of my head and then let go, only to wrap his arm around me and face us both towards the rest of the group.
"It's okay, we've kissed and made up." He joked, Lucas was back to being Lucas again.
"Good, now we would like to talk to Alex alone, so can every shoo, you can all speak to her later." Sandra commanded softly and motioned for me to follow her, Karl was right behind her.

Charmed Life.
RomanceAlexandra is finally free from the abuse she's had to endure from her stepfather and his best friend. Now she's living with The Spencer's, but it's not so easy to adjust to her new charmed life. ...