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You and your boyfriend Robbie were in a hotel, laying on the bed and watching a movie on his laptop. It was pretty boring; with more explosions than actual plot.

But he seemed to like it.

"Hey Robbie?" you muttered after a while, moving the laptop completely onto his lap and cracking your neck as you sat up.


"Imma go for a walk or something", you announced. To your surprise, Robbie paused the movie and looked up at you with a smile. You had thought he had been way too absorbed in the movie to even really notice you go.

"Want me to go with you?"

You shrugged. "No, that's okay... you finish the movie, I'll just-" but he was already sitting up, putting the laptop to the side.

"(Y/N)", he muttered, "are you bored?"

You sighed, then nodded.

"This isn't really your kind of film, is it?" he asked.

He leaned in close to you with mirth in his eyes.

You blushed and swallowed thickly around the lump in your throat: You two hadn't been dating for that long (only two months) and had both been really careful about personal boundaries so far, but apparently Robbie was ignoring that right now.

"Well, I m-mean-" you stammered, "it- it's not that bad, but ah..."

"(Y/N)", he said again, sterner this time. "Do you like the film? Yes or no."

"No..." you admitted.

He smirked.

"We could do something else..."

"L-like what?" you asked, eyes going wide.

Surely he didn't mean-

He leaned forward, lips brushing your ear, and muttered: "Hmm.... Like... Yahtzee."

You squealed as suddenly, Robbie tackled you to the bed. As he tickled you, you laughed and tried desperately to get away.

Finally, when you had both calmed down, Robbie was on top of you, and you were both catching your breath.

"Yeah, okay," you said, grinning. "Let's play Yahtzee, Robbie."

Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now