Robbie and the dinner-date (robbie and the dragonfly p.2) (request)

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A/N: Part of the request from OnceuponaFrozentime.

"(Y/N)!" you heard someone call when you went to get breakfast the next morning. "Wait up!" You turned around and saw Robbie jogging up to you, a huge smile on his face. "Good morning, love."

"Hey," you replied.

You hadn't reached the restaurant-area yet. Instead, you were both standing in a mostly-empty hallway, some of the hotel staff and a few other guests the only bystanders, but they weren't paying either of you much attention.

You weren't staying in the same hotel as the convention-goers, most of whom were staying in a cheaper hotel a few blocks away. That was probably a good thing: Yesterday at the convention a lot of people had come up to you to comment on your dancing, and since Robbie was an actor the same probably went for him, except people would be commenting on his acting.

"I had fun yesterday," Robbie said when he had fully caught up with you. You began walking again, and he fell in step beside you. "I'm sorry I left in such a rush, but I didn't want to ruin our night by making it awkward with your friend and everything..."

"Apparently she's a fan," you told him. "She bugged me all evening. It was kinda funny."

"So are you performing again today?" Robbie wondered as you both entered the restaurant, going over to the buffet to grab plates and food.

"Yep, twice," you said, after which you muffled a yawn. You hadn't slept that well last night, at first because (Y/F/N) was constantly bothering you, but then, after she had fallen asleep, it was your own thoughts that bothered you: You couldn't get your mind off the almost kiss (if that was even what it was). You had never wanted to kiss anyone so quickly after meeting them before...

Heck, you'd never really had the urge to kiss anyone before, period!

"Maybe I'll come and watch... you know, as an actual bystander," Robbie said, dragging you out of your musing. "It looked great yesterday, don't get me wrong, but I have this feeling that the act can't be fully appreciated unless you're actually in the crowd."

"You're probably right," you couldn't help but agree as you grabbed a sandwich of a plate, "and I'd love it if you'd come." You weren't sure if that was the truth – it was too early to decide such things, you weren't really a morning person – but you would love to see him again.

"Great! I'll find out when you're performing for myself. See you later!" With that he walked off, taking his breakfast over to a group of people that – now that you thought about it – seemed vaguely familiar. (Y/F/N) had probably forced you to watch that show (Once Upon a Time) with her at one point.

You were a bit sad at not getting to eat breakfast with Robbie, of course, but then (other/F/N), who was also in your dance crew, called you over and the feeling passed.


You had noticed Robbie standing slightly in the back of the crowd, away from most prying fangirl-eyes, but you hadn't really thought about it (lost in the routine like you always were) until the dance was over and he was coming backstage.

For a moment, you couldn't help but worry: You had worked up a bit of a sweat, so you probably smelled horrible, and you were still wearing the frilly little dress (Y/F/N) had designed for this specific act.

You didn't like the way you looked in a dress. Yesterday you hadn't put a thought to it when he saw you in one, but back then you two hadn't almost-kissed yet.

"That was amazing!" Robbie said when he reached you, hugging you without a second's hesitation. You wondered if he thought you were gross (because you felt it. You wanted to take a shower ASAP), but when he pulled back he was smiling happily. "You looked beautiful on that stage."

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