Fandom vlogger

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A/N: I love YouTube. It's such a great way to share music and games and, you know, find something to laugh about. My favourite YouTubers are danisnotonfire and abookutopia, and watching them has pretty much inspired me to write this.
The idea was on my 'to write' list for a while, but I couldn't figure out how to make it clear that Robbie had watched (Y/N)'s video about him... until this morning when I decided it would just be his POV.
So yeah. Enjoy!

I was pretty bored.

I do not get bored often, but when I do it's because there is literally nothing to do. That was the case right now: I was sitting around my house, my family was out and everything was silent. I couldn't even hear any cars drive by outside or anything.

This is what I do when I get bored: I go onto my laptop, type my own name into google and see if there are any fans who have posted anything crazy about me. I know this might sound vain, but it's really not. It's just that I like to keep up with what my fans do, so that if anyone mentions anything to me on twitter or something, I'll know what they're talking about.

That was what I did right now, and while I scrolled through the results, I noticed that there wasn't really anything new since the last time I had done this. There was just the usual stuff: Peter Pan fan art, weird fanfiction, Tumblr posts.... a YouTube video?

I looked at the thumbnail for a moment. It showed a really pretty girl with (H/C) hair making a weird face. The title of the video was 'How a crush turns into obsession', and the description read: Today, I discuss how a crush on a fictional character can turn into an obsession with a real life person (actor). Example: My current obsession with Robbie Kay. Have you ever crushed on an actor/actress? Let me know in the comments!!! :)

And then the stuff YouTubers usually put in their descriptions, like 'subscribe' and 'follow me on twitter', etc.

When I clicked on the video, I noticed that this girl had quite a lot of subscribers. There were over 5,000,000! In the recommended for you list, there were a lot more videos of her, and I noticed she usually talked about stuff to do with fandoms, such as books or movies or TV-shows or fanfiction.

Never mind that, I decided to watch the video that had my name in the description right now, because I wondered what she'd say about me.

I pressed play (because for some reason my computer never automatically did that) and began watching.

Now that I wasn't just looking at a small thumbnail but at a bigger screen with her on it, I noticed she had really pretty (E/C) eyes. She looked like an excited puppy, almost, and I guessed her to be around (Y/age). When she spoke, she sounded really happy:

"Hi peops!" she said. "So as you all know, I have recently started watching an amazing TV-show called Once Upon a Time! Well, in the last video I posted, I mentioned that I was about to start season three, but now I will tell you..." She paused, staring at the camera dramatically. "I have finished watching season three A in one day." She held up one finger for emphasis.

The screen turned black for a moment, then said in large white letters: 'SPOILER ALERT'. It then went back to her.

"So when Pan died, I totally cried like a baby. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to say this and you've heard it all before, but he was literally the best villain in that entire show, at least from what I've seen, and then they just killed him off! So I... well, here's where it becomes almost shameful to keep talking." She laughed, looking not-at-all ashamed, but more like she was pretending to be. "I decided to look up Robbie Kay on google, and I might have sort of stalked him."

I found myself blushing at this, for some reason. I knew a lot of fans pretty much internet-stalked me, but some girl just all-out saying it without regret was... endearing.

"This has made me realize something about myself: I know I get crushes on characters from books and movies and TV-shows like, all the time, even cartoon characters! Remember when I freaked out about Tarzan?"

The screen switched to a younger-looking version of her. It was black-and-white, and I figured this was from one of her old videos. The younger looking version of the girl was obviously fangirling over something, though there was no sound.

It cut back to regular-her, looking serious. "Yeah..." She laughed. "Anyway, when I find myself crushing on live-action characters, such as Jack from Titanic or Damon from Vampire Diaries or in this case, Pan from Once, I eventually run out of stuff to watch about these characters and then I will totally start stalking the actors, and sometimes this... well, sometimes this turns into an obsession. Like, some actors that I-" she cleared her throat "-follow... have totally destroyed my social life. Example!" She held up a finger again, but this time more in a 'pay attention' way. "Whenever Keegan Allen posts something on twitter, I'll lock myself in my room for an entire day and just weep with joy."

The screen then changed to her sitting on the floor of a dark room in the corner with a laptop in her lap, crying. It was obviously fake but it was really funny. Then, the screen cut to a door and a lady walked in, stared, and then turned around saying: "Yeah, I'm not getting involved."

"So yes," the girl said when the screen cut back to her, "I can go a little overboard with my celebrity obsessions, but, I mean-" the screen cut to a picture of me that I had posted on Instagram a while back, where I was wearing huge glasses, leaning backwards, sticking out my tongue and just generally acting weird.... Right, if I posted that people could actually see it. When had I stopped thinking about that? "If somebody can look cute while making a complete ass of themselves, they are perfect, am I right?"

The screen cut back to her one last time. "So... Have you guys ever had celebrity crushes that have totally destroyed you? Let me know in the comments so maybe I'll feel better about mine!"

The video ended.


Okay then. That wasn't weird at all.

The girl was kind of cute, though.

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