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A/N: This is the first Peter Pan one, because I have been watching too many YouTube videos. (He's coming back in March!!!!) ...Anyway, remember that episode where Tinkerbelle helps Regina find Robin with the help of pixie dust? This is based on that.

Requests are still open, btw.

You were sitting on a log to the side of the camp, watching the lost boys rushing around with crates of... something.

Nobody had told you what it was that they were so feverishly moving, but you had caught on to the fact that whatever it was, the pirates wanted it, so it needed to be hidden.

Pan, of course, stood to the side with his arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed into a frown as he watched his lost boys work. You looked at him for a moment, wondering why he wasn't just using magic to get all the crates somewhere else, but then you quickly looked away. You were still angry with him for keeping you here... and a bit afraid, if you were being honest.

Pan was ruthless.

(He was also nice when he wanted to be, and when he looked at you his eyes burned with something that wasn't hate, like it should have been.)

"No!" the immortal teenager's voice suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts, making you look at him again. Pan looked livid as he stalked over to one of the boys who had... apparently dropped the crate. Was that dust piling out of it? What did anyone want with dust? "You dropped it!"

Pan stopped next to the boy – you had not yet bothered to learn any of the lost boys their names – and stared down at the dust, frowning when it began to glow, then fly...

It went to Pan first, clouding around him in a sparkling mess of green and yellow. Then, a trail began to form, making it's way through the camp as everybody watched. It went around the boy with the scar, and around the boy with the black hair, and when it came to you, you expected it to go around you as well.

Instead, it formed a cloud of glitter around you, and for a moment, you caught Pan's eye. He seemed shocked, horrified even. Then, he turned away, barked another order, and everything went on as if nothing had happened at all.


You didn't understand why everybody was suddenly avoiding you like the plague.

Before, you had been the one doing the avoiding while the others at least tried to have conversations with you... Now, nobody would so much as meet your eyes.

You walked around the edge of camp aimlessly as the lost boys danced, looking carefree and... wild. They were beasts in human form, boys in their true form. They were primal beings with nothing on their minds but to keep moving for as long as they could.

And you? Well, you wished you could be like that, too, but you couldn't even hear the music that supposedly came from Pan's pipe.

(But then, you had never been Lost, and even Pan hadn't been able to make you forget that there were people out there who loved you.)

"(Y/N)?" Pan's cold voice startled you, making you whip around to face him with wide eyes. You were about to shout that it hadn't been you – whatever he wanted to accuse you of didn't matter, but you hadn't done it! - when you saw the look in his eyes.

You relaxed. He didn't look crazed or violent tonight. He looked almost like a normal boy.

(But he wasn't. He was a demon.)

(And you didn't care that he was.)

"What is it?" you finally wondered, taking a step back just in case.

"You... Do you know what it means when pixie dust does that?"

"Pixie dust?" you asked, "is that what that stuff earlier today was?"

"Yes," he nodded, stepping towards you. Despite your efforts to keep some distance between you, he was in front of you in a second, holding on to you wrists – wait, no. He was holding your hands... loosely. You could pull away if you wanted to.

But you didn't.

He looked at the lost boys, still dancing around the fire. None of them were so much as looking at you, but Pan pulled you into the forest anyway, leaving the camp behind quickly as he took you to his treehouse.

"What are you doing?" you asked fearfully as he teleported you both inside rather than letting go of your hands to climb the ladder. "Why are we... why are you letting me in here?"

Nobody was allowed inside Pan's treehouse.

"Calm yourself, love, I'm not going to hurt you," he told you. For once, you believed him, but only because it was impossible for anyone to have bad intensions if they looked so sincere.

"Then why did you bring me here?" you whispered.

"For this."

He leaned towards you, then, capturing your lips in a kiss that you couldn't break away from – You didn't want to. He still held your hands, more tightly now, as if he were afraid you'd disappear if he didn't hold on.

When you broke apart for air, you stared into his green eyes with your (E/C) ones, confused but pleased.

(His eyes burned again, and you wanted to be burned by them.)

"When pixie dust makes a trail from one person to another like that," Pan told you sincerely, resting his forehead against yours, "it means those two people are each other's true love."

And then he kissed you again, and you didn't doubt his words.

(He was a demon, and you loved him anyway.)

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