Robbie and the dragonfly (request)

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A/N: This is a request, once again, for OnceuponaFrozentime, who is the author of Back to Neverland. I've begun reading it and it's really great! CHECK IT OUT, I TELL YOU!
You know, I usually keep requests short enough to be one part... but I just liked this idea so much, it turned into an entire beast... Plus I didn't know how to make two characters genuinly fall in love in one chapter. So... this has three parts.
For who notices: No, I do not know what Robbie is doing backstage when (Y/N) is about to go on stage. I just needed a way for them to meet, and I figured he maybe knew one of the dancers or something... but then when I was writing I found out that he was kind of just there... (Yes, that's how my mind works. I see everything like I didn't really make it up, but like it's a movie that I'm watching and then I have to describe it, so yeah...)
I hope you like this, OnceuponaFrozentime! And if not... well... idk what then. I kind of like how this turned out, though...

There were more people than there had been last year.

You looked through the cliché red curtains and frowned at all the people, quickly backing away again. Had you been nervous last year? You couldn't remember, but you were certainly nervous now.

"(Y/N)?" your best friend and co-dancer (Y/F/N) asked, walking up to you. "You look really pale... are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" you assured her. "Just... there's a lot of people..."

(Y/F/N) laughed, muttering something about you and your nerves as she walked off.

You had such great friends.

With a sigh, you stepped towards the curtains and peered out over the crowd again. Why were there so many people? What had happened to the Fairy Tale Convention that had turned it into such a wild fan fest?

"You look quite stunning, love," a strangers voice said from beside you, making you jump in fright. You turned towards the owner of the voice to find a boy with messy, light brown hair and amazing green eyes. He was smiling at you with one eyebrow raised. "Though you do seem a bit nervous."

"Uh... I kind of am," you admitted to him.

"I'm sure there's no reason to be! I'm Robbie, by the way," 'Robbie' said as he extended his hand. You took it uncertainly and shook it. "You're one of the dancers, right? The uhm... the dancing dragonflies? You and your crew have quite a reputation around here."

"Yeah... I'm (Y/N)," you introduced yourself. Just then, you heard someone on stage begin talking. "I guess I have to go."

"Good luck out there. I'm sure you'll do great!"

Was it just your imagination, or did Robbie's hand linger on yours until he really had no choice but to be let go?


When you entered your hotel room that evening, your heart was beating wildly in your chest and a familiar sense of euphoria had taken a hold of you.

This was why you loved dancing: Sure, you were always nervous before-hand, but once you went out on that stage, you lost yourself in the music and techniques, and you completely forgot that there were people watching you. It was just you and the other dancers, doing what you did best.

You had just exited the shower, dressed in sweatpants and your favourite (Y/F/band) shirt, when there was a knock on the door.

It was probably (Y/F/N), who had stayed behind at the con for a while to try and get some actress's autograph or something. You shared this room with her, and you knew how she often lost her keys only to find it a few hours later... No doubt that had happened with her key card, as well.

Keeping this in mind, you opened the door.

But it wasn't (Y/F/N), it was that boy you had met before you had to perform... ah... Robbie! His name was Robbie.

"Uh... hi?" you said, surprised. You had forgotten for a moment that you probably looked like a ragdoll with wet hair and mascara beneath her eyes (you never took it off before showers, which resulted in it being that way afterwards).

Robbie's eyes shifted over your entire body for a moment before he looked you in the eye and smiled. You felt very self-conscious all of a sudden. "Well, this is different from that pretty dress you were wearing earlier."

"Sure..." You shifted from one leg onto the other awkwardly, avoiding his gaze. "How did you know which room I was staying in?"

"I have connections."

"That's kind of creepy." You looked at him and noticed he was holding a DVD. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought we could hang out," Robbie muttered with a shrug. "If you want to, that is. I brought this film, Treasure Planet... I don't know, we are at a fairy tale convention and they were selling it, um.." He seemed flustered, like he suddenly thought this might be a bad idea. It was funny.

"We can hang out, sure," you decided, stepping aside so Robbie could enter the room. "But no funny business!"

Robbie held up his hands defensively, DVD still in one of them, as he tried to look innocent. "Wouldn't dream of it, love."


"No!" you said, gasping. "They can't make the planet explode! Jim spent all this time looking for it!"

Robbie laughed. "Come on, that's what you're worried about? What about Silver's dilemma? He's supposed to go to jail for what he did, you know-"

"Shhhh," you shushed him, trying to put your finger on his lips without looking at him, which resulted in you almost poking him in the eye. "Don't ruin it."

You were both sitting on your bed, you almost on the edge of it while he rested against the headboard. The movie was surprisingly good. You were so invested in it that all you could do was blink at the screen when it was over.

"You know, I don't think I have seen anyone who was so into a movie... ever," Robbie announced, breaking you out of your trance.

You turned to look at him, glaring playfully. "I don't think I've ever met anyone who's so hot, ever."

Robbie flushed. "Huh? That's-"

"I mean, Jim really is something," you added, turning away in triumph.

There was a moment of silence, and then Robbie started laughing again, curling up on your bed as he clutched his stomach. You didn't even think it was that funny, but you supposed he was allowed to laugh if he wanted to.

"That's amazing, love," Robbie said when his laughing had turned into gasping for air, rubbing some tears from his eyes. His voice sounded breathy, and you suddenly realized how underappreciated British accents were. "Oh god, you almost had me there."

"Good." You turned your face to look at him again and realized he had sat up on the bed and crawled over to you. His face was only a few inches from yours, now.

You barely knew this guy, and yet you had never felt such an urge to close the gap between your lips in your entire life.

He seemed to be thinking something along the same lines, you noticed: His eyes were focussed entirely on your lips, and his tongue darted out for a moment to lick his own. Damn, that was-

"I'm back!" (Y/F/N) yelled as she threw open the door. "I got Lana Parrilla's autograph! I've never been so- Oh my god is that Robbie Kay?!"

You and Robbie had shifted apart and the tension in the air had broken, but it returned instantly as Robbie flushed. "Uhm... hello."

"What is Robbie Kay doing in our room?" (Y/F/N) asked, obviously talking to you and not him.

You frowned. "You know Robbie?"

"Well, duh. He plays Peter Pan on Once Upon a Time!"

You looked at Robbie for some kind of confirmation of this, but he had stood up and casually put his hands in his pockets. "I've got to go now, but I had a great time." He smiled at you. "You can keep the film, since you like it so much."

He walked passed (Y/F/N) with nothing more than a quick nod.

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