Laughing gas confessions (request)

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A/N: This is a request for SheenaRee. Hope you're okay with this! I actually have no idea what happens when you get your wisdom teeth pulled. I asked my friend and she said you either laugh a lot or puke a lot, but you know... this seemed funnier (and way more romantic! Can you imagine someone puking on your shoes and then being like "oh and by the way I love you"?). So yeah.
I actually didn't think I'd write anything Robbie-related today since 1) I had a headache and 2) I was in a bad mood... but then my mood got better and I took a bunch of asprin. So.... yeaaaahhhhh.
More imagines coming up soon. I got more requests and have a few ideas of my own, too... but not everything will be today. Most of it will probably be Friday/Saturday.

You didn't think Robbie would act quite like this.

It was kind of cute, actually, though it was also a bit weird. He seemed almost drunk, except funnier. He sat on that dentist chair and looked around like he was seeing this room for the first time, and maybe in his mind he was. You'd never been under the effect of laughing gas before, so you didn't really know how he felt.

When his green eyes suddenly rested on you, you shifted in your seat next to him uncomfortably. They weren't really his eyes right now. They seemed unfocused.

"Hi," Robbie said, obviously surprised that you were there. Had he not noticed you before?

"Uh... hey," you replied, giving him an uncertain smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great! Never better." Robbie looked around again, then sat up a little straighter, almost thumbing out of the chair in the progress. You moved to catch him but were relieved when you didn't have to. You would have probably fallen right onto the floor with him. "You know, you look like (Y/N) a lot!"

"That's great, Robbie," you grumbled, settling back into your seat. "How long do you think you'll stay like this?" High. He was obviously high.

"Like what?" Robbie asked, looking around again. Then, he continued: "You're a great person you know that? That's why I want to tell you a secret!"

"And what's that?" you wondered, not expecting him to tell you anything you didn't already know. You were best friends, you basically told each other all your secrets! Well, okay, you hadn't told him that you had a crush on him, but who would? It would ruin your friendship!

"That girl you look like, (Y/N)..." Robbie began, turning serious despite his still unfocussed gaze. "I'm in love with her."


"So did I say anything strange?" Robbie wondered as you were both in his car. You were driving, since he was still a bit woozy, though not enough so that he was still acting weird. "Please tell me I didn't puke."

"You didn't puke," you assured him with a smile, "though everything seemed really funny and interesting to you, and you thought I was someone else."

"Really?" Robbie grinned. "That's strange. How could I not recognize you?"

"You kept saying I looked like 'this girl (Y/N)'," you explained to him. "It got kind of creepy after a while."

Robbie raised an eyebrow as he looked at you, and you had to do your best to keep your eyes on the road. When he looked at you like that, you felt a thousand butterflies flying through your chest. Fuck it, they were ogres beating around wildly. Did this guy really not realize how hot that was? "I'm getting the sense there was something else that creeped you out, as well."

Why did he have to know you so well?

"Well- I mean- it wasn't- there's not-" you stammered, beginning to blush. You simply couldn't keep secrets from him. A sane person, you figured, would have simply kept their mouths shut about this, but nooooo, not you. "You kept telling me that you're in love with (Y/N) and that I can't tell her cause it's a secret, and-"

"(Y/N)," Robbie interrupted, looking serious all of a sudden. "Pull over."


"Pull. Over."

And so you pulled over, after which you turned to him slowly. He looked almost angry, though there was something else there, something... something that looked almost like worry.

"Would you hate me forever if what I said when I was under the gas's affect wasn't a lie?"

"Huh?" Was he saying what you thought he was saying? ... No, he was still a bit high. Perhaps more so than you thought.

"I'm in love with you, (Y/N). I've been in love with you for years." He didn't look like someone who was only saying something because he was high.

"B...but..." you sputtered, turning away to look through the front window even though you weren't driving anymore. Your hands grabbed the steering wheel so tightly that your knuckles turned white. "Why didn't you tell me that earlier?"

"Because... I guess I needed laughing gas to give me courage?" Robbie looked apologetic, you noticed from the corner of your eye. "So yeah..."

"I'm in love with you, too!" you suddenly blurted, surprising even yourself. You turned to him again, feeling your face turn red. "I mean-"

Before you could continue, Robbie had cradled your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. You were glad he didn't try to add tongue, though, because you didn't much feel like tasting his blood.

Nevertheless, you smiled into the kiss.

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