Commercial break

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You and your boyfriend Robbie were sitting on the couch together, watching some dumb movie that was on.

You were getting kind of irritated with commercials coming in every time you were getting into the movie, and finally when the fourth commercial started after what would have been half an hour of the actual movie, you stood up and muttered quietly that you were going to make some popcorn.

You already hated commercials, and this was just making you hate them more. The movie wasn't that good to start with and now it just seemed... random.

Feeling arms snake around your waist, you let out a sigh but grinned. "You followed me in here, huh?"

"Hmm", Robbie hummed in agreement, pressing a kiss to your neck. "Missed you."

"Already?" you joked, turning around in his arms. "How long have I been gone? Two minutes?"

"Too long", Robbie told you seriously, resting his forehead against yours. "Waiting sucks."

You snickered, pecking him on the lips quickly before pushing him away when the microwave beeped. You took the popcorn out and turned back to Robbie, who grabbed the bowl out of your hands and put it on the kitchen counter, staring at you with a small smirk.

"What?" You finally asked.

Then he basically attacked you.

His lips founds yours quickly, and he pressed sweet kisses there before allowing his tongue to explore. You moaned when he pulled away, moving down to press more kisses to your neck, after which he began gently sucking on your sensitive skin.

Damn, you would never be able to get enough of this.

"(Y/N)", Robbie suddenly muttered, pulling away from you and looking back into your (E/C) eyes. Moving his lips to your ear, he nuzzled you and then said: "Do you hear that?" He was quiet for a moment so you could both listen. You did hear something: explosions. "The film's started again."

With those words, Robbie pulled away from you, grabbed the bowl of popcorn and hurried back into the living room.

God damn it.

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