Insecurities (request)

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A/N: This is another request for SheenaRee. I am sorry about the general suckyness but I usually put people's request before my own ideas and I wouldn't feel right not doing that, and I just really needed to write because today SUCKED. SO. HARD.
But yeah, I do kind of feel guilty writing a sucky imagine like this after putting so much thought into the previous request so, SheenaRee, if you have more requests don't hesitate to send them. It might take a while because I need to get out of my funk, but I promise I'll write something better next time... I'm sorry again.

You weren't sure why you had allowed your boyfriend Robbie to drag you to this place.

It was fun to watch comic-con panels on YouTube. You liked seeing your favourite actors or the creators of TV-shows you followed answer fan questions... but that's where the fun ended for you. You were an anxious person, and as a result you didn't really like big crowds... or any people at all, really.

You felt really insecure about yourself, always wondering what people you met were thinking about you. They probably thought you were fat, or ugly, or too pale, or that you wore too much make-up, or-

"Babe," Robbie muttered, squeezing your hand. "You look rather pale. Are you alright?"

You were walking hand-in-hand through the hallways of the convention, on your way to a meet-and-greet he was supposed to be at. There were people swarming all around, though only a few of them actually sent any glance your way at all. Sometimes, a fan-girl would come up to Robbie and yell happily that he was amazing, and it was beginning to get on your nerves.

They were all so much prettier than you, and when Robbie looked at them he seemed almost in a trance.

He could have so much better than you, you were sure of it.

"I'm fine," you lied, forcing the words out through your teeth. "Just a bit... ah... claustrophobic I guess?"

If Robbie noticed you were lying, he didn't comment on it.


"I don't get why you're so angry with me, (Y/N)!" Robbie yelled as he slammed the door to your shared hotel room closed behind him, throwing his hands up in the air right after. "You've been giving me the cold shoulder since the meet-and-greet! What gives?"

"I'm not angry with you!" you replied, though it certainly came out sounding angry. "I'm just- just angry with myself..."

Defeated, you sat yourself down on the fluffy, comfortable looking bed and buried your face in your hands.

"What?" Robbie asked, obviously confused, as he sat down next to you and slowly wrapped an arm around your shoulders, looking at you with worried, green eyes. "Why?"

"It's just... All these fangirls, they are so pretty and great and funny and I'm just- I'm just me." You sighed. "You could get so much better."

"What are you talking about?" Robbie wondered, sounding sincerely surprised. "(Y/N), you're amazing. You're the person that makes me smile even when I'm not feeling my best. You're the person I'll look at in eighty years and still think they're the best, most beautiful woman in the world." He took your chin in one of his hands and forced you to look up at him. "Those fangirls mean nothing to me. I love you."

You sighed, but managed to smile as you rested your head in the crook of his neck. "I love you too, I'm sorry I've been acting like such a bitch all day."

"It's alright. I knew you wouldn't like comic-con but I... I miss you a lot whenever I have to go away." You could hear the smirk in his voice. "You know what else I miss when I go?"

"What?" you asked, pulling away from him.

He cradled your face in his hands and pressed a kiss to your lips, pouring all his love and adoration for you into it.

You realized then that you had been acting foolish, because even you – with all your insecurities – could tell that this boy was hopelessly in love with you, as you were with him.

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