Shipping (request)

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A/N: This is a request for OnceuponaFrozentime who asked for an imagine where (Y/N) plays a new character/villain based on puss in boots on Once Upon a Time and fans ship her and Pan. I hope you don't mind I played around with it a bit!
Also everyone go heck out OnceuponaFrozentime's fanfic 'Back to Neverland' real quick, thank you :)

"So, we're just going to do some scenes for the one hundredth episode, which is when you'll be introduced," Eddie explained to you, showing you the scene (in the script) that he wanted to film.

It was actually one of your favourite scenes (you had read the script multiple times): Emma and her family were in the underworld being attacked by a dark smoke, which was Pan's doing, when Cat showed up and saved the day. She was a living person who had been trapped in the underworld for years, and (and this was your favourite part) she was based on the puss in boots.

"Yep, got it," you said with a nod, which almost caused the large hat you were wearing to fall off. It was a bit too big, and you worried that it would fall off when you were filming... but then again that would cause some great bloopers, probably. "Jump in, fight a weird smoke that isn't really there, have a conversation with Pan and run off without addressing the Charmings. That's it, right?"

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds easy," Eddie muttered, "but there's actually-"

"Eddie, chill." You laughed. "I know there's more to it, don't worry."

"If you're sure..." Eddie said, calling the other cast members over.

Jennifer, Ginnifer, Josh and Jared quickly went on set, their characters having split up from the others in the story, and said their lines, all acting really scared at the moment the script said the smoke rolled in. There wasn't actually anything there, because it would later be added digitally, but you tried your hardest to imagine that this was all really happening.

"Henry!" 'Emma' yelled, dragging him away from where the smoke was supposedly reaching out to him. It was then that you ran on set and attacked the 'smoke' with your sword. Surprisingly, your hat didn't fall off.

'Pan' walked on set then (in the episode itself it would look like he simply appeared), and man you almost broke character there. He was hot.

"Ah, Cat," he said evilly, "I see you have decided to-"

Your hat fell off.

Seriously? You had done all those ninja moves and it had stayed on your head perfectly, but you were standing still staring at 'Pan' and it fell off?

Breaking character, you couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen."

Robbie laughed, too. "It's quite alright." He turned to Eddie. "Can we just redo that from the moment I come on-screen?"


Being both an actor and a part of the fandom could be awkward sometimes, especially when Tumblr was exploding with pictures and videos of Cat and Pan.

It was stupid. There wasn't even the slightest hint of a friendship between them in the actual show, but already fans were posting stuff like 'I ship it' or 'I bet Pan will come back and he and Cat will end up together'. What had happened to the Darling Pan ship? Some of these people were posting about that just yesterday!

You sighed and decided to go on Twitter. You had live-tweeted during the episode but never said that you were leaving, and you were still being bombed with questions about the episode and what your role in the rest of the season would be.

One Tweet to you stood out, though.

Robbie had posted it:

Robbie Kay @RobbieKay_ 2 min
@(Y/TwitterHandle) I guess you're the Cat to my Peter? That sounded better in my head I must admit. #OnceUponATime

You blushed, but realized he was probably saying that for the sake of the fans. So, you replied: Well then you're the Boots to this Cat :P

Only a few seconds later and you had to go offline. Too many fans were replying to that particular post and your computer might have just crashed if you'd stayed on the page.


Some fans were really weird.

You stared at your screen, unsure if you should click away or not, as your eyes followed the words.

You had found a fanfiction, a very erotic fanfiction, about Cat and Pan. It was pretty much about the fan theory that had been brewing in the past few weeks: Pan had come back to Storybrooke, and he had joined Cat in her quest to steal Regina's powers. They had fallen in love, and now they were...

"Ugh," you muttered as you finally clicked back to your homepage, wishing you could un-see that (you had a very vivid imagination).

Your phone beeped, making you jump since you had forgotten that it was actually right next to you, signalling someone had posted a new Tweet. As luck had it, it was Robbie, and he had once again directed it towards you:

Robbie Kay @RobbieKay_ 30 seconds
@(Y/TwitterHandle) Look what @(Randomfan) drew! Such talent! #Fanart #OnceUponATime

It was a very detailed picture of Cat and Pan... French kissing, and that combined with the fanfiction you had just *ahum* accidentally *ahum* read made you blush and decide to quit social media for a few days.


Comic-con was crazy.

You'd never been there before, not even as a fan, but (as you told the interviewer who asked you) getting to experience it as an actor was amazing. You loved talking to fans, even if most of them just wanted to know stuff about Cat and Pan, and you loved it when you got some time to yourself and just walked around the con... though that also meant more talking to fans.

Right now was one of these moments. You were walking around, doing nothing in particular. You had looked at some stands already, but you didn't really feel like buying anything.

For the umpteenth time, as it was very busy in the hall, you bumped into someone. You were getting ready to apologise when you looked up and met their eyes.



"Oh my god! I haven't seen you since September! How are you?!" you asked enthusiastically, making him smile at you.

You'd met up a few times after filming the one hundredth episode, since you'd hit it off as friends easily, but it was hard really seeing each other since you were usually in Vancouver and he was usually either in Houston or off somewhere filming the new show he was doing.

"I'm good. What about you, love?" Robbie answered, grabbing your hand as he began dragging you through the crowd, probably taking you somewhere where you could talk more privately. You were both beginning to draw some attention.

"Yeah, I'm fine! What are you even doing here?"

"I'm here with the Heroes Reborn cast," he explained, opening the door to his dressing room, pulling you inside and closing it. It was a lot quieter here, and your ears began buzzing from the lack of noise. "I missed you."

You blushed, wringing your hands together. You had begun to develop a bit of a crush on him since the moment you met him, and despite not having seen him in a while it hadn't disappeared.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you thought, great.

"I missed you, too."

"Good," Robbie smirked, "that makes this much easier." And then suddenly he was cupping your face and kissing you. You found your hands weaving themselves into his already sort of messy hair as he moved his down from your face to your waist, pulling you closer. When you finally broke apart for air, he bumped his nose against yours softly. "I thought I'd stop liking you if I didn't see you for a while, but all that fan art and those fanfictions... they've been making me go mad."

You laughed softly. "Same..."

"So then," Robbie whispered, pecking you on the lips one more time, "want to let the ship sail?"

"It already has."

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