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A/N: Since I'm doing totally unrelated firsts, I decided to look up a list of 'defining firsts in a relationship'. One of them was 'first time you realize you love him/her', but I decided to make it like a 'we aren't together yet but now I'm realizing I like you' thing, since it recently happened to me.
So, in the series of firsts, this is: 'first time you realize you like him'.

It came to you on a sunny Wednesday in July.

It was the first summer after high school and it was unbearably hot. You sat in Robbie's backyard, gathered around the pool with both your friend groups, and wondered how you hadn't seen it before.

You'd met through your best friend (Y/F/N), who was dating this boy named Calum, who Robbie was friends with. The first time both your friend groups had gathered together, it had been at Calum's house. You had all been watching a movie together and Robbie had been sitting next to you. By the end of the movie, you found yourself hiding your face against his chest.

It had been awkward after that, but once that part was over you had actually started to be friends outside of obligation. You'd started to meet up even when the others couldn't make it, or sometimes without even getting the others involved at all.

It had been a year, now, and (Y/F/N) and Calum were still going strong while you and Robbie... well, you were just friends.

Or so you had assumed.

But now he was looking at you funny from across the pool, and when he realized you had caught him staring he flushed a little and smiled, and your stomach did somersaults, and that's when you understood:

You liked him.

Your face went red as well but you found yourself smiling back happily, quickly looking away when (Y/F/N), who sat next to you, poked you in the side. "Huh?"

"You totally spaced out on me, there. What's up?"

"Oh, nothing," you promised, playing with your hands a little. "It's just hot."

(Y/F/N) looked between you and Robbie for a moment, and then she smiled as if she had just figured something out. "I see..."

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