"Can I happen to you?"

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A/N: Because I want him to happen to me. Badly. It's not even funny anymore.
Also I just could not come up with a better title. I'm sorry.

By the time the movie was about to end, Robbie was full-on bawling while you sat there, probably looking like an uncaring bitch

You just couldn't cry about movies. You didn't get what the big deal was: They were just fictional characters, and there was something entirely unsatisfying about watching other people having adventures, especially when you knew you would never have them yourself.

As the credits rolled, Robbie rubbed his tears out of his eyes and looked over at you. He raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused. "Seriously? Even this film didn't get you to cry?"

"It was sad," you said with a shrug, "just not real."

"Have you no heart?" Robbie asked mockingly. "They were star-crossed lovers!"

"Exactly! It's ridiculous!" You huffed. "Why would they fall for each other? He's super rich and she's super poor and neither of them are particularly good-looking."

"They had a song," Robbie said, obviously exaggerating as he threw his hands up above his head. He was pretty much turning it into a joke now. "What they had was true love!" Calming down, he smirked at you. "I remember when we were twelve, you used to love these kinds of films. What changed?"

"I grew up, I guess," you muttered. "I realized that these kind of things just don't happen, so there's no use pining over them."

Robbie frowned, but then his entire face became pretty much emotionless as he shifted closer to you. "Can I?"

"What? Pine over some stupid movie?" You laughed. "Be my guest."

"No." Robbie scoffed, leaning even closer to you. You didn't realize what he was doing until his face was only inches from yours, his nose almost bumping against yours. You cocked your head to the side almost automatically for easier access, like you had been expecting him to do this. "Can I happen to you?"

"Oh..." You weren't sure what you had expected, but after years of being best friends, this wasn't it. (Except you had been secretly wishing for it, making up scenarios of how it might happen late at night when you were alone in bed. Of all the things your mind had cooked up, it hadn't been this.) "I think... I think you've been happening to me since we met."

"What, you mean since we were nine?" Robbie smirked, then, though you were so close to him that you couldn't see his mouth, just the way his green eyes sparkled. "Then I bet I was the worst thing that ever happened to you, because I recall you hating me for throwing your Barbie-doll into the lake."

You hummed. "Worst, best, who can even tell?"

Robbie laughed, then pecked you on the lips quickly. The fleeting contact was disappointing, but it was also a promise of more. "We should write our own film. I bet it would be much better than anything those big-shot Hollywood directors could ever cook up."

"We should," you agreed. "But we're kind of busy now."

When you pulled him back and pressed your lips to his again, the kiss lasted much longer, but neither of you were complaining.

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